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UWP Names Two New Candidates for Upcoming General Election

Chiquot, Clarke to Contest Castries East and Castries Central Constituencies

By Marvlin Anthony
Peter Chiquot

Former Customs Comptroller Peter Chiquot and Rosh Clarke from Wilton’s Yard will be taking a shot in the general election for the first time, on a United Workers Party (UWP) ticket, the Party confirmed on Sunday at a public meeting  in the William Peter Boulevard.

Peter Chiquot will contest the Castries East parliamentary seat while Rosh Clarke will be contesting the Castries Central seat.

Rosh Clarke
Rosh Clarke

At that meeting, five familiar faces were reintroduced. Guy Joseph, Dominic Fedee, Bradly Felix, Herod Stanislas and Political Leader Allen Chastanet. They will contest again in the constituencies of Castries South East, Anse La Raye/Canaries, Choiseul/Saltibus, Soufriere/Fond St Jacques and Micoud South respectively in the next general election.

Speaking to supporters at Sunday’s event,Mr Chiquot thanked the Castries East Constituency Branch for their confidence in him and for nominating him as the representative for Castries East.

“I would like to thank the executive of the United Workers Party for selecting me as a new candidate in this prestigious organization,” he said.

He added, “Growing up in Castries East I was privileged to play with the CYO Football Team for over 22 years… During that time, I witnessed the poor conditions of people in the Marchand Boulevard, Bagatelle, Arundel Hill and other areas of the constituency. After being represented by Philip J Pierre for 28 years, the conditions in these areas,” are not what they should be, he said.

The UWP hopeful said that in his discussions with constituents, “they complained about the crime situation, the lack of proper housing, healthcare and the huge cost of living. The people are struggling to survive.”

“Realizing these issues and as a former public servant”, he said he stands ready “by joining the United Workers Party to lead the change for improvement and upliftment of the people of Castries East and Saint Lucia.”

“Come out and join the movement for change,” he urged supporters.

Mr Chiquot’s delivery, however, was not entirely convincing as he faltered throughout his speech and lacked vigour for the most part.


Rosh Clarke, on the other hand, was energetic and confident, telling supporters that he has every intention of winning Castries Central – the parliamentary seat, which has been dominated by Richard Frederick.

“Castries Central will be coming back to the United Workers Party,” Clarke said boldly.

And while some individuals may be wondering who he is, he stated that for the record, “I am one of you.”

The UWP candidate told attendees that he was born and raised (in) the community of Wilton’s Yard (and) is the son of a devoted mother who went through the hardship of walking the streets of Castries from neighbourhood to neighbourhood.

“I want to give thanks to the talented men and women in this movement. I want to give thanks,” to those who placed their confidence in the candidates, he  said, telling individuals “I feel your pain (and) I can assure you better representation is on its way.”

Former UWP representative for Castries Central, Sarah Flood-Beaubrun, gave her full support to Clarke, who she knew from the time he was little. I’m so proud to hand over the baton to you, you have my support (and) I will be walking the streets of Castries Central with Rosh, she said.

Political Leader Allen Chastanet, for his part, told the government that the meeting should be a warning.

“We are ready (and) we are going to take a stand against this Labour Party.”

Party Chairman Therold Prudent made it clear that the UWP’s candidates support its leader.

According to Prudent, the Party doesn’t want to “saddle” its leader with anyone who doesn’t “want to work with Allen Chastanet so that’s why it’s of utmost importance that we give Allen Chastanet the kind of candidates and the kind of representatives that he can work with in the next government.”

The UWP said that its followers should look out for their next meeting in the south of the island “where we will continue presenting the group of men and women who will Save our Saint Lucia.”

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