
Saint Lucia’s Sports Development Programme Gets a Boost

MYDS Sports equipment
MYDS Sports equipment

The Taiwanese Embassy in Saint Lucia has made a substantial contribution to the island’s sports development by donating nearly USD 250,000 worth of gym equipment.

During a recent ceremony at the Daren Sammy Cricket Ground (DSCG), H.E. Ambassador Peter Chen expressed his delight in handing over the gift while the Minister for Youth Development and Sports, Kenson Casimir, expressed government’s gratitude for this generous donation.

Ambassador Chen emphasised the significance of this contribution, noting its potential to become a part of Saint Lucia’s sporting legacy. Minister Casimir also praised the continuous support from the Taiwanese government for sports development in the country.

“Saint Lucia celebrates 45 years of independence this year, a milestone filled with proud memories. In the years to come, when we reflect on this anniversary, I believe one of the defining moments will be Julien Alfred’s incredible achievement, winning Saint Lucia’s first-ever Olympic gold medal,” Ambassador Chen remarked. “We hope that this new facility will be part of that legacy, offering Saint Lucian athletes the tools they need to pursue their dreams,” he added.

Minister Casimir highlighted the impact of the gym equipment on the training and development of athletes, stating that it will enhance the support provided to players involved in the Cricket Development Programme.

“The Cricket Development Programme is being held at this ground, with assistance from the Saint Lucia National Lotteries bringing in 30 of our best cricketers at the highest level,” he said. “These players get nutritional and physical support through training and they can now be further enhanced by using this gym,” Minister Casimir added. “The Mindoo Phillip Park is a venue where most sportsmen and sportswomen enjoy the usage of the facility, and this is a very good investment for the people in the Castries basin in terms of athletics by various clubs and schools.”

He also highlighted the positive influence of the investment in sports, particularly in terms of education and skills training for national athletes.

According to Casimir, “Over the last 16 months, Saint Lucia has seen a real investment made in our sports. Not only did they (Taiwanese) invested USD 250,000 in this programme, but they have also invested a significant amount of money in educating our athletes.”

The minister mentioned that the Taiwanese also assisted with the National Skills Development Centre (NSDC) in launching a programme where national footballers, athletes, and netballers received skills training.

Overall, the Taiwanese government’s contributions have significantly boosted sports development in Saint Lucia, demonstrating a clear commitment to the advancement of athletes and the sporting community.

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