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Vendors Urged to Utilise Bideau Park Facility to Empower Themselves

By VOICE Reporter
Bideau Park Vending Huts
Bideau Park Vending Huts

Team work and a commitment to improving the economic welfare of vendors in the city is the ultimate goal of the newly opened Bideau Park Vending Huts, in Castries. 

The initiative conceptualized by Prime Minister Philip J Pierre, was implemented by Housing and Local Government Minister Richard Frederick to bring a level of uniformity and aesthetic value to the city centre.

Mayor of Castries Geraldine Lendor-Gabriel was pleased with this latest project, describing the venture as a testimony of what team work can accomplish.

“What is here is what can happen for small islands (like ours) when we develop projects which really touches the lives of persons,” the Mayor told the gathering of government ministers and officials, vendors and onlookers, at Friday’s opening ceremony.

Lendor-Gabriel referred to the vendors as “small entrepreneurs”, while noting that “they play a critical role in the socio-economic development of our country.”

Bideau Park Vending Huts
Bideau Park Vending Huts

Citing the input from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, she said, “We walk a very tight line …to really balance off the needs of all stakeholders.”

The Mayor said catering to needs of vendors, businesspersons and persons traversing the city is not an easy task, “but it is an important one that we will never lose sight of.”

She added that “the vendors are very important in nurturing our future leaders.” She recalled the journey of a Saint Lucian professional in the global business environment who credits the hard work of her mother as a vendor for assisting in attaining her career goals.

Parliamentary Representative for Castries Central Richard Frederick acknowledged the input of PM Pierre in bringing this project to fruition.

Frederick said the project was undertaken to provide a sense of “dignity and aesthetic appeal” to an area that had become unsightly for vending in the city.

He recalled that about four months ago while traversing the city to assess its stature, and in the company of PM Pierre, the concept was initiated to utilise the space for improved vending conditions.

Stating that he strongly supports people working out a way to earn a livelihood, Frederick said nonetheless, “everything has to be done in a controlled environment to ensure the aesthetics of the city is not compromised.”

He said the vending booths were built, particularly, to empower vendors to upgrade their craft and the services they provide to the public.

PM Pierre received a rousing welcome as he took to the podium to deliver a brief address.

The prime minster noted that government remains committed to improving the lives of the people of Saint Lucia. He said there was need to utilise the space, adjacent to Bideau Park, to create a more appealing site that was conducive to the vendors plying their trade in a more orderly fashion.

“We have to improve the lives of the people of Saint Lucia, and improving the lives of the people …means taking action that will improve the quality of life of the people,” PM Pierre asserted.

He said though the project can be regarded as a small step, it was nonetheless “symbolic” in setting the path for socio-economic development and the overall development of vending in the city.

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