Letters & Opinion

When the wait becomes a heavy load!

Image of Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

When one is in need, or has particular wants, waiting can be a heavy load. On the other hand, if you do not hope for a solution, or a change in fortune, you can become more irritated.

On a day-to-day basis you need to eat, at the end of every month you have domestic bills to pay, if you have a vehicle, or need to travel to and from your dwelling home, you need to find transport allowance, in some cases, your children are always in need of this and of that, and some relationships are based on you being able to provide.

So if you are out of a job, or need to make ends meet, no amount of promises can solve these issues.

A child leaves school and he or she expects to find work or be in a position to help themselves so they can be less dependent on their parents, but that wait can become a heavy load.

When you have children and responsibilities you need support almost immediately.

Like instant coffee, your needs are for the present not for tomorrow, or for another day, so when the Government makes pronouncements of things to come, or opportunities on the way, it is not always comforting.

People want solutions to deal with their immediate problems, which multiply by the day. We know that not everything is immediate, but the pressures of life have become a burden. The cost of living has and is becoming difficult to manage. Services of all kinds are expensive and it is for that reason some people lose patience and have to do what they have to, to stay alive or fulfill their day-to-day obligations.

Sometimes criminal thoughts do seem like a way out, some more courageous than others and they take risks. Some get caught in the process, some get away without being found out, some escape, some go undetected but the fact remains if you do not take chances, or find a way, you may become more frustrated and insecure.

Life is not always a smooth road to travel, there are risky and bumpy segments on the route, there are frequent obstacles and blockages and in between you will find stumbling blocks and resistance. Some people remain lucky, some have the right connections, they know the right people, get favours and assistance, but unfortunately, this is not the situation for everyone.

There are times when the individual is to blame, you hear some people being called lazy, and in some cases it is because of their lack of discipline, but regardless of their circumstance, the bottom line is survival is a must, and everybody needs a survival means.

But the engine of growth sometimes work too slow, it sometimes takes the establishment too long to come up with solutions or to deal with some problems. There are times when people’s rights have been trampled upon, but to get justice, or the needed satisfaction takes forever.

We need an injection of emergency, we need to see immediate progress, not proposed solutions, we need to be real, proactive, creative, because while some live in comfort there are those who just do not know where their next meal is coming from.

May the Good Lord help us all!

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