Letters & Opinion

When Will We Start Advocating For Survivors?

By The Prosaf Team

In last week’s article we discussed how to learn to be ok with needing to take time for yourself. We discussed not feeling guilty for needing to take time for yourself. Our current climate has many of us stretched thin. We are trying to do more and be more and pretend that we are ok through it all. Pretending will only last for so long, eventually your mind and body will require that you acknowledge what you are feeling and dedicate some time to yourself. I understand that right now you may feel that you have to do more and be more for those in your life. I understand that right now you may feel that you can’t allow yourself to feel or think about what is going on in your life, in your country, in the world at large. While I understand the need to not want to tap into your feelings, I want to also point out that ignoring your feelings is a temporary solution to an existing problem. Your mind and body will only allow you reprieve for so long. For this week, I thought we would discuss what is needed for us to advocate for survivors of sexual violence. As we continue on in the article, please pay attention to how your body responds – should you feel anxious or lightheaded… should your palms start to sweat or heart start to race, stop, take a moment and ground yourself. Remind yourself of where you are and what is happening right now. Remind yourself in this moment that you are safe. What we are practicing is listening and acknowledging what your mind says it can handle and honouring your body when it says it has reached its limit.  There is no rush to finish the article, of more importance is learning to listen to yourself and honouring where you are and what you need to feel safe and secure.

Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in the number of survivors sharing their stories via our televisions, radio stations, newspapers and social media feeds. With each case, it has become more evident that perpetrators don’t discriminate when it comes to who falls victim to sexual violence. Society says it happens to women who dress or behave a certain way but the stories that are shared show that is not the case. We are reminded daily that survivors of sexual violence are males and females, young and old, that their clothing has nothing to do with the violence perpetrated against them. We know that someone being coherent versus someone being intoxicated has not stopped them from falling victim to sexual violence. We know that we live in a world where men are made to feel ashamed and weak should they indicate that they were sexually assaulted and that women are classified as being the reason they have been violated. We know that we live in a world where women are vilified for wanting to decide what happens to their bodies. They are vilified for being assertive, and they are also vilified for wanting to be safe and secure in what they choose to do with their bodies. We will not excuse the behaviour of people by saying that it is more difficult for them to accept that people they know are perpetrators of sexual violence because those same perpetrators aren’t hiding the truths of who they are and what they do. So, the question then becomes more personal. Why do you find it so difficult to act when you know someone has perpetrated a crime of sexual violence? Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that a woman did nothing to deserve the unwanted advances that then led to unwanted touches and unwanted comments and finally the violent act of rape, or attempted rape? Why is it so difficult to acknowledge that across the globe women and men find themselves  in situations where they are told that in order to get this promotion or this job or this scholarship, etc., that they need to give a part of their bodies as payment? Many of us have been on the receiving end of that kind of situation, and many more of us have had a friend confide in us about it. So, what is it within you that makes it difficult to accept and acknowledge the reality of sexual violence? What within you makes it difficult to acknowledge sexual violence is not brought on by the victim but is instead thrust on the individual by the power hungry, tiny, no self-esteem individual seeking to make themselves feel powerful, important and in charge?

What would you need to see, hear, smell, feel, touch for you to want to stand with a survivor and not only empathize with their pain and suffering but demand that change happens? What would you need to see to make you believe that advocating for more for survivors of sexual violence is needed? What would you need to happen before you decided that sexual violence isn’t a crime that a victim/survivor/thriver brought on themselves? When would you want more clear and decisive punishments put in place so that perpetrators didn’t walk around feeling invincible to commit crimes and get away with it? When would you decide that advocating for better mental health care for survivors of sexual violence was necessary and needed? When would you decide that educating our youth on the various aspects of sexual violence is important… educating them on their rights and where they turn should they be victimized? What would it take for you to stop blaming survivors of sexual violence for causing their abuse? How do you excuse the individual who sexually assaults an 11-month-old baby, or an 85-year-old woman/man? How do you vilify that individual but excuse the perpetrator who sexually assaults an 18, 22, 35, 45, 55, year old? Are the too young and too old innocent but those in between caused the crime perpetrated against them? If that is the case explain to me the difference in the perpetrator? My guess is you can’t because they are one and the same. The problem then lies with you and who you think is innocent and who you think caused someone else to violate their body. Does that statement make sense? Causing someone else to violate your body… how would that go? Hey sir/ma’am excuse me, would it be possible to sexually violate me against my will? Think about it, the problem with sexual violence and how it is treated lies with us,  the people in society who have created these ridiculous excuses for who is deemed a perpetrator of sexual violence and who is deemed an asking for it victim/survivor.

I will end off by pointing out that we live in a world that is based on prejudice and bias. There are different boxes that we place people in based on who they are, what they do, and what they can do for us. That means those in power get to continue to take what they want regardless of what anyone else says and get away with it. We live in a world that right now is going through a dramatic shift, yet we still find the time to hate and hurt each other. Rape was born out of a need to exert power and dominance; sexual violence became the tool with which many were able to exert that power and dominance. We can continue to ignore the many cases of men, women and children who are being taken advantage of, who are being used and abused, who are being sold into sexual slavery, who are being pushed into saving their lives and their families by having their bodies abused. Remember, none of us is immune to falling victim to this crime. You get to decide how much longer we continue to pull the wool over our eyes and ignore what is happening or when the time comes to say enough is enough. Our bodies are our bodies and you don’t get to tell me what I can do with it, nor do you get to get away with abusing it. Sexual violence results in survivors suffering from PTSD and with our limited resources it means many don’t get the care they need. Don’t continue to perpetuate the cycle of abuse, it is time to stand up and say that sexual violence is an issue. Victims are not to blame. Our governments should be held accountable for having proper laws, for better care with rape kits, for more comprehensive laws, for better reform for criminals, for better support for NGOS’ and governmental agencies addressing the issue.

I ask that with all the changes we are demanding that happen this year that we ask for changes regarding sexual violence. There is strength in numbers. As Survivors, we need to come together, share our stories, and start moving towards ensuring that we get a center, counselors, and programmes all dedicated to dealing with sexual assault. To the survivors reading this article, I know that you may be even more triggered than usual, it is ok.  You have not fallen off the healing journey, you have not slipped back. You are going through a period in time that is pushing many of the buttons that remind you of your assault. There are periods on the journey where you take a step to the side because going forward seems too much, that is ok. The journey is not a ridge uphill climb but a feeling through of what is the best next course of action for your current position. Don’t get disheartened, you are doing what is best for you right now. Work on listening to your inner you. Work on acknowledging what you need and being ok with not judging yourself for it. Should you feel triggered and feel like you may be a danger to yourself or others, please reach out. You survived a traumatic experience, it doesn’t define you, it is not your entire story. You are on a path to healing; it takes time and patience. Be gentle with yourself. You deserve peace and happiness.

Yours Sincerely,

Souyenne Dathorne, Velika Lawrence, Miguelle James & Jayde Jean

Email: [email protected][email protected]

Webpage: http://www.prosaf.org

Telephone: 1-758-724-9991 (Sue)   1-758-723-64


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