Play is currently underway at the National Tennis Centre as some of Saint Lucia’s leading male and female tennis players return to competitive tennis today (Monday 10th August). Dubbed Summer Slam Series Classic, the event is hosted by the Saint Lucia Tennis Association (SLTA).

According to Scyla Murray, administrator at the Saint Lucia National Tennis Centre (SLNTC), “The Summer Slam Tennis Classic is an opportunity for our local players to participate in a regional and international tournament to play for points and climb the international ranking”.

Scylar said, “Due to the global effects of the Coronavirus the tournament this year is restricted to only local’s players since the International Tennis Federation (ITF) has cancelled all international events”.

The tournament is open to all juniors from all clubs/academies island-wide.
The categories in the tournament include: Under 10s (red, orange, green ball) 12s, 14s, 16s and Under 18 boys and girls.
Vying for the Under 10s: Jaelyn Henry, Jordyn Bishamber, Amia Jn Maria, Samuella Bertrand, Sanjay Lake, Matthew George, Shahealer Dante, Nathanael Charles and Peter Murray.
Under 14s: Amelia Rosemond, Latoya Murray and Jessica Eudovic.
Under 16s: Arden Rosemond, Saige Charlemangne, Petterson George, Jorja Medrick, Alysa Elliott, Iyana Paul, Eridania McVane.
Under 18s: Joey Angeloni; Emma Duval, Aaron Gerald.
In action today:
Not before 10.00 a.m. – Court No.1 Green Ball Girls: Samuella Bertrand versus Amir Jn Marie, Court No.2: Jordyn Bishamber versus Jaelyn Augustin; Court No.3, Green Ball Boys: Mathew George versus Sanjay Lake; Court No. 4, Dante Joseph versus Reggie Weeks; Court No.5, Aiden Rosemond versus Abbazeke Jules; Court No.6., Denney Estava versus Andertti George.
Not before 11.00 a.m. – Court No. 1, Girls 14s RR: Jessica Elliott versus Amelia Rosemond; Court No. 1, Boys 12s RR: Nathanael Charles versus Soren Clairmonte; Court No. 3, Girls 12s RR: Amara Jn Marie versus Shahealer Jules; Court No. 4, Boys 12s RR: Peter Murray versus Ishan Patra; Court No. 5, Girls 14s RR: Latoya Murray versus Eridania McVane; Court No. 6, Girls 16s RR: Iyana Paul versus Lindy Amedee.

Not Before 1.00 p.m.- Court No.1, Girls 16s RR: Alysa Elliott versus Jorja Mederick; Court No.2, Boys 16RR: Petterson George versus Nathan Elliott; Court 3, Boys 16RR: Arden Rosemond versus Brandon Eugene.

Not before 2.30 p.m. – Court No.1, Boys Green Ball: Reggie Weeks versus Sanjay Lake; Court No. 2, Girls 1s RR: Amir Jn Marie versus Allura Felix; Court No. 3, Boys 14s RR: Nathanael Charles versus K-Zahn Elwin; Court No. 4, Girls Green Ball: Jordyn Bishamber versus Samuella Bertrand; Court No. 5, Boys Green Ball: Mathew George versus Dante Joseph; Court No. 6, Boys Green Ball: Aiden Rosemond versus Denney Estava.
Not before 3.30 p.m. – Court No.1, Girls 16RR: Lindy Amedee versus Iyana Paul; Court No.2, Girls 16RR: Iyana Paul versus Jessica Eudovic; Court No.3, Girls 16RR: Alysa Elliott versus Latoya Murray, Court No. 4, Boys 18Srr: Jivan Joseph versus Petterson George, Court No.5, Boys 18Srr: Nathan Elliott versus Aaron Gerald.
Meanwhile, the SLTA took the time out to express much thanks and gratitude to the Saint Lucia Olympic Committee (SLOC) Inc for their kind support and financial assistance in hosting the SSSC 2020.