As of May 26, 2020 the World Health Organization reported a total of 5, 404, 512 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, with 343, 514 deaths. Within the region of the Americas there was a total of 2, 454, 452 cases, with the number of new cases across the region still trending upwards. On May 27, 2020 the Ministry of Health received the results of 41 COVID-19 tests that were conducted, all of which returned as negative.
This is the 24th consecutive day, out of a total of 382 tests conducted, that we have received no positive cases since our last case was recorded on May 3, 2020. Though this data is encouraging, our health care providers continue to remain vigilant, screening and testing people who are presented at our facilities with flu-like symptoms, as we know the public health threat posed by COVID-19 is not over.

We encourage everyone to monitor their individual state of health and that of their loved ones. If experiencing symptoms which include fever, coughing, sore throat, loss of their sense of smell, take no chances. Please seek care at our community respiratory clinics or outside their normal hours of operation, at the Victoria Hospital and St. Jude Hospital. In the coming week we will have the return to school for our Grade 6 and Form 5 students in preparation for their examinations.
During that week we shall also be reopening our national borders to travelers. These changes will result in a greater volume of movement of people and with that we note the potential for increased transmission of the virus. As such, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the relevant sectors, has been preparing for these changes and the risks that potentially accompany them.
This includes instituting of protocols, site assessments to determine capacity for infection prevention and control, as well as surging of our stocks of personal protective equipment. With all this in place we also require the support of every citizen in maintaining the recommended infection prevention and control measures to further strengthen our readiness.
We ask that everyone continues to sanitize their hands by either hand washing or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wearing their masks while undertaking daily activities out of the home and maintain the required 6 foot distance. Also, be sure to cover mouth and nose with disposable tissues or clothing when coughing and sneezing. These simple and inexpensive actions will make a meaningful difference in preventing the spread of infection.