Project-Based Learning for 21st Century Skill Development
E4, an indigenous social enterprise geared towards youth empowerment through investments in education, engagement, entrepreneurship and employment and Learning Dimensions, an educational consultant company based in Chicago, Illinois USA, engaged in a Reverse Exchange community project from July 23rd to July 29th 2018.

The Exchange formed part of the US State Department funded Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) Professional Fellowship, which enables US host business owners and entrepreneurs to visit the home countries of YLAI fellows in order to share professional expertise with target populations.
The Reverse Exchange in Saint Lucia included a two-day professional development workshop at the Gordon and Walcott Memorial Methodist Primary School with a focus group of grades 3-5 primary school teachers, introducing the core components of project-based learning and how to implement this approach to teaching learning and innovation skills in the classroom.
Key officials from the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Ministry of Education Innovation Gender Relations and Sustainable Development were also engaged.
A short course on teaching strategies for 21st century skill development was also filmed in collaboration with Mr Anthony Alcindor of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and the Saint Lucia Government Information System, National Television Network (NTN) Studios, and will be available for further dissemination among the wider teacher population in September 2018.