PRESS RELEASE – ON Wednesday, May 15th 2018, Worlds Finest Chocolate (WFC) through its subsidiary Union Vale Estates Ltd (UVE) presented a cheque to Junior Achievement St Lucia for the implementation of the Junior Achievement Christian Husbands Agripreneurship Project (CHAP).

In collaboration with UVE and WFC the CHAP was developed to honor the legacy of Mr. Christian Husbands, Board Chair of Junior Achievement and Manager of Union Vale Estate, who passed away on June 10th 2017.
A champion for youth development, with a passion for agriculture Mr. Husbands frequently lamented on the numerous opportunities which exists within the sector that was underutilized.
This agricultural based program will empower the youth with relevant information that will enable them to view agriculture as a possible career path.
WFC and UVE have made available US$15,000.00 (EC$40,753.50) to pilot the project in six schools and impacting 60 students.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Renwick and Company have partnered with Junior Achievement, WFC and UVE to provide technical support.
During the cheque presentation, Estate Manager and Director of UVE and JA Mr. Terry George said, “We are extremely excited to partner with JA by providing the finances and technical support for the implementation of the CHAP.
“It is a great opportunity for the youth and we are proud to be part of a program where avenues are created for the youth to develop and grow”.
In receiving the cheque on behalf of JA, Chairman, KirtHosam thanked WFC and UV saying, “JA programs focuses on three pillars of success: Financial Literacy, Work Readiness and Entrepreneurship to enhance the ability of the youth to achieve success and this contribution from WFC and UVE will ensure that we accomplish this goal.”