SAINT LUCIA’S national infection and prevention control guidelines have been considerably strengthened thanks to a team of four consultants from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) who were on island last week.
The team was invited here by the Ministry of Health, Wellness, Human Services and Gender Relations.
The main objective of the visit was to carry out an assessment of the infection, prevention and control practices at primary and secondary health care institutions on island. The team also worked with the Ministry of Health in defining strategies for implementation and control in the reduction of hospital acquired infections.
The PAHO team also supported the Ministry of Health with the planning and implementation of guidelines whilst strengthening the surveillance system for health care associated infection in St. Lucia.
While on island the PAHO consultants trained various health care professionals involved in infection prevention and control including physicians, nurses, laboratory personnel and pharmacists.
Dr. Sharon Belmar-George, medical officer in the Ministry of Health called the training “timely” saying that the whole idea was to work to reduce the possibility of transmission of infections at hospitals on the island.