ST. LUCIA’S largest life insurer, Sagicor Life Inc St. Lucia, has announced the launch of its new ‘Maximum Protector’ insurance product .
This product provides the uninsured and under insured with a new standard for affordable protection. It boasts a unique combination of insurance coverage for multiple needs, including critical illness, life insurance, terminal illness and accidental dismemberment.
The product’s critical illness component provides a lump sum payment if an insured person experiences any of five major conditions covered under the plan: cancer; heart attack; paralysis; coma or major burns.
Following a successful release of the product in Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada and St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Maximum Protector will be released in the St. Lucian market to offer customers increased options for individual insurance. The new product offers customised coverage through four varying types of insurance which ordinarily could not be purchased together in one convenient bundle.
Rae Atkinson, General Manager and Principal Representative of Sagicor Life Inc St. Lucia explained the importance of the new product. “Our new Maximum Protector product is designed to meet the needs of our customers. They can now have peace of mind in knowing that they can be covered for many major illnesses all under one customised, convenient plan.” He added, “If certain conditions are met, the prospective policy holder wouldn’t even have to under-go a single medical test”.
“This year Sagicor marks 175 years in the industry and we’re proud to say we’ve gotten there by keeping abreast with the market and staying in-tune with our customers. We expect the response to Maximum Protector to be positive.” noted Atkinson.
Maximum Protector will be launched on August 14 and will be available through the company’s Advisors and Brokers.