Everyday Computing, Features

Technology Presents And Safety

Dr. Lyndell St. Ville- ICT Consultant
By Dr. Lyndell St. Ville- ICT Consultant

WITH Christmas in the air, many of us may be getting ready to buy, wrap or unwrap some new gift items. Since technology devices have become a particular favourite for many, it is worth reminding that whatever presents you are dealing with, you should handle them safely.

By now, it should not come as a surprise to know that the true value of technology, is not in the price tag, pride or prestige associated with the item. It is in the power to be more efficient and effective in deploying the technology. It is in the use to which you will put this new piece of technology. It is in the utility to be gained from having that item. Small or large, the true beauty of a gift is in the very thought that led to you receiving it.

With all the excitement of gift purchasing, wrapping and unwrapping, remember to use the technology safely and exercise caution. Some simple yet useful advice:

* Read the manuals first;
* Instal the device carefully;
* Change any default passwords;
* Safely clear or decommission the older devices.

As always, remember to be kind to your surroundings and environment, both internal and external.

Internally, it is wise not to overburden power outlets. Extension cables that cross waking zones may cause a tripping hazard. Think about your use of the space, and avoid setting such unnecessary “traps” for yourself and others. Even the loose items needed for assembling products may pose a tripping hazard.

Externally, remember to dispose of unwanted packaging in a safe and responsible manner, and recycle any items or components that are possible.

Remember that just one year ago, an unforeseen weather event, the Christmas Eve Trough, struck us and caused damage. In the midst of the flooding, temporarily trapped many, reminded us of what was truly important. It was truly a sad sight, to see shoppers stranded, while freshly purchased items were lost in flood waters. Another lesson might be to continually be aware of your surroundings, and of the weather conditions, and to be prepared to assist others in need.

I wish you a safe, secure and Happy Christmas Season.


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