The government of Prime Minister Allen Chastanet will propose legislation to govern the cannabis industry in the 2021/2022 financial year.
So said His Excellency Sir Emmanuel Neville Cenac yesterday during his delivery of the Throne Speech during a joint sitting of parliament.
The Governor-General said that this initiative is intended to support employment creation, boost the economy and generate revenue.
“Critically, it also has the benefit of lifting the burden off the prison system, as simple possession of cannabis will no longer be an indictable offence,” he said.
The Governor-general asserted that the Cannabis Bill will establish the Authority responsible for issuing licences for the possession, supply and use of cannabis for industrial, medicinal, therapeutic or scientific purposes. And that special provisions will govern the use of cannabis for religious purposes. The Bill will also address the purchase, distribution and selling of cannabis and will prohibit the use of cannabis in specified circumstances.