THE Dame Pearlette Primary School scored two first places, but schools from the south dominated this year’s National Science and Technology Fair which concluded on Friday under the theme “Science and Technology: the catalyst for a sustainable future”.

The three day fair held at the Derek Walcott Square showed off the scientific talents of schools from around the eight districts who won first at their individual district fairs and were then able to move on to Nationals, with a number of topics from the Infant, Primary, Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary and Tertiary Categories.
Dame Pearlette took first prize in the Infant section with its project: “Math Operation”, ahead of Plan View Combined with “Double sided Capri Mats” and the Anglican Infant with “Lucia”.

Dame Pearlette repeated success in the Primary Science and Technology section winning with its “Moringa Soap”. Fond St Jacques Primary was second with “Wimed Fey”, a position it shared with Plain View Combined with its “Field Maker”. Third was Fond St Jacques Primary with “Mosquitoes be gone”
In The Primary Home Economics section Morne du Don came out on top with “Coco Sec” ahead of Ave Maria which won two second places with its “Flavoured Coconut Oil” and “Cocoa Tea Bags” and a third prize for “Vegetable Jams”.
In the Primary Games section, Anse la Raye Primary came out on top with “The TT Box Game”. Balata was second with “Math Starz” and Pierrot Combined third with “Maria Facto Leap”.
Banse La Grace placed first in the Primary Environmental section with its “Fish in a trap” project. Gordon and Walcott Memorial Methodist was second with “Aquarium style Aquaponics System” while third place was shared between Vide Bouteille Primary with “New roofing materials” and Vieux Fort Primary with “Bel Zanimor”.
Southern Schools, however, dominated the upper categories. BeaneField’s with “Math Attack” topped the Lower Secondary Science and Technology section. Ahead of Corinth with “Eco Charge” and Vieux Fort Comprehensive with “Integer Trailz”

Vieux Fort Comprehensive carried off the top prize in the Upper Secondary Science and technology section with “Waste to Watts”. Jon Odlum Secondary was second with “Aquafarming—squeeze more dollars from your fish pond”. Third was Entrepot Secondary with “The last strand—who will win?”
In the Tertiary category, the Vieux Fort “A” Level swept all three places with “Caly soap”, “Pee to power” and “Sea Scrape” respectively.