Letters & Opinion

Impressions from DSH Protest

Image of the protestors outside Parliament Building. [PHOTO: Stan Bishop]


Having listened to Father Kevin Murray and Mrs. C. Wiltshire on television some evenings ago, I was taken aback by their views on the Desert Star Holdings development. Both individuals are undoubtedly persons of interest but listening to them, one got the distinct feeling that they became part of a pressure group orchestrated by a discredited politician whose intention is to cast a shadow over a project which can only stimulate employment and improve the daily lives of hundreds of persons who live below the poverty line. I may be wrong, but that’s my impression.

Father Kevin Murray in particular should recognise and realise the dire straits of persons in the south based on his religious calling. On the other hand, he questions an investment which can only address the suffering folks of the south. Does his religious concerns and compassion extend beyond the walls of his church? We certainly would like to know.

Father Murray happens to be a U.S. citizen from Philadelphia who has resided in the south for the past five years and has apparently aligned himself with a political party for reasons to be disclosed in due course. We should, however, be grateful if Father Murray can confirm or deny whether he was part and parcel of the group who supplied the yellow T-shirts worn by the demonstrators.

Ms. Wiltshire is of Guyanese origin. Some say she has occupied an area of land at Sandy Beach for quite some time.

On a final bit of advice for Father Murray, he needs to decide whether he wishes to alter his profession from that of the clergy to politics and if so he may start considering whether the timing is appropriate to renounce his U.S passport and apply for St. Lucian citizenship to conform to the regulations of the land pertaining to political requirements. This information will be communicated to the Archbishop as it is only fair that church be kept abreast with the decision of its flock.



  1. I am rather perplex by your article on legitimate protest which a fundamental right of every St. Lucian. Your article seem to focus on two individuals as your direct attack but with no meaningful contribution as to why these individuals are wrong to comment on the proposed project in the south.
    Let me remind you of the countless large scale projects that promised jobs for the suffering people of St. Lucia that have never materialised but we St. Lucian have sacrificed land and minuscule financial resources for, in the 1970’s Hess oil project in culdesac one tenth was maximum at any one time of the promised figures quoted. Black bay, la paradie in Praslin most recently, where are these?
    Whilst I welcome investment I object to us having to enslave our selves again to foreigners. Our governments both red and yellow have never given the level taxes incentives to small local investors which are the engine of any nations economy that it gives willing to these large investors who comes with nothing but a promise and then speculate to accumulate income to invest in our economy but provide little employment to St. Lucian that cleaners and bottle washers.

  2. All what these so-called visionaries seem to see is the promised of jobs. They never see the cost at which these jobs are created.

  3. The protest process may ask a friendly sister island like St Vincent or Dominica to file an injunction at both the Hague and Commonwealth High Court on behalf of the Civil rights and environmental protection acts of the Vieux-Fort Constituency:
    Wheras no provision of HUMAN nor EQUESTRIAN WASTE TREATMENT plants have been proposed for the proposed development.
    That the raw human and animal raw sewage dumping in the coastal sea and abounding river tributaries will kill off ALL marine resources and pose a heightened threat to human and animal health on a daily basis.
    That the potential for moral and civic code violations Via prostitution and other black market industries that nominally siphon of gambling /entertainment franchises will have unprecedented negative impact on the well being of ordinary citizens of VFort.
    Both St Vincent and Dominica should be approched to enter said injunction at both the UN and Commonwealth high courts of appeal -on behalf of VFort.
    May the ancestors who toiled at CoCo Dan in the hope of a free and moral justice for their subsequent generations- fortify your moral purpose- Sela

  4. By the by
    There is a UN Maritime law upheld by most of the developed and security council member states AGAINST OCEAN DUMPING of FECES and other Contaminants.
    How would Dominica feel about St Lucia raw sewage chasing away its prized WHALE visits= that is a unique aspect of its tourism package.
    Or for StVincent fishermen reporting smaller catches off its northern coastlines because of sewage drifting less than 20 nautical miles away – from Vieux-fort.
    Both sister islands ought to raise the clarion at the UN and Commonwealth before they are driven to reaction like their CARIB ancestors; with Viking like raids on Vieux-Fort proper 🙁

  5. only the most vile of desperate desperados agree to the equivalent of a nuclear dump waste site in
    their backyard……

  6. it would be interesting if St Vincent and Dominica were driven by Vieux Fort
    ocean dumping to invade and dismantle COCODAN installations in true Viking raiders style..
    ..after all REAL “ferocious” CARIB blood does coarse thru their arteries –
    wheras Looshans are credited
    with weaker Arawak bloodlines.
    Do I hear Sparrow singing “Headhunter …eat she raw”

  7. Visionary? So why hide behind that name. Let know you are. You coward. This is a fee country. The priest is free to protest….just as you now protest against the protestors. Now what does the place of birth of Ms. Wilt shire have to do with her right to protest? Isn’t she a Saint Lucian? Allen Chastanet was not born here and neither is the Anse La Raye rep. So if nationality does not matter for political office why should it matter for a protest. Go read on the Bahamas experience with the DSH project and inform yourself. Who is the discredited politician and by whom was he or she discredited? Where is the credit of the dicreditors? Go figure you fool!!

  8. Father Kevin Alan Chesney they are both foreigners .so one is elected as prime minister the other one is a priest. Alan Chesney i saw as a priest .I saw him as a priest outfits during the campaign so he’s a fake priest. so what is the argument Alan is a priest the only thing is he give our land away and the other priests is fighting to keep the land for st. Lucians they are both priests and they both foreigners

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