Letters & Opinion

Slavery has a new name: Capitalism

Image of Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

There is a common thought that since the abolition of slavery there is no forced labour anymore and that we are and have become an independent people. Our former owners no longer use the whip to determine the output of our worth and we do not have to conform or be dictated to about how to live our lives or conduct ourselves.

We seem to have forgotten or not been informed that there is something called “economic slavery”. Our education, laws and social habits were all tailored to make us the product of a system that has been with us; and over four hundred years of indoctrination and calculated methods in training our minds to automatically react to life in a particular way.

So, from our foods to our clothing to our achievements, they are and were all tailored to meet an objective.

Today, although there is a perceived ‘freedom’ we are still very dependent on the proverbial ‘master’s teachings’. We cannot dress if our clothing is not imported, we cannot drive a vehicle if we do not obtain the most fuel or the best but costly parts from our intended suppliers. Now, even the food we consume is very dependent on external sources, and the list goes on and on.

To get qualified or accepted in certain social circles, we need to go to the intended schools, to get justice or any other type of legal service you need to relate to specific procedures. In other words, you must pay the piper because nothing is done without the acceptance of the authorities that dictate the how and the where and the module you must use. You cannot even build your home without conformity.

The previous slave masters are gone but they left a system for us to be controlled by. Today, you hear about the cost of living, every form of utility or needed service comes at a cost — and regardless of your perceived freedom you have no choice but to conform or be deemed to be operating outside the law and that makes you an enemy of the state.

If food prices go up you have to accept, if materials for building go up you cannot object. If the price of fuel goes up there is nothing you can do and if you choose to rebel you may land yourself in trouble and become the subject of discussion and put under heavy manners for your attitude.

So, how much freedom have we gained? How more enslaved can we be? Who said slavery has been abolished? Who said we are free people?

Most people look to the Government of the day to soften the burden, but they too have to play ball or risk losing the support of the system. There are countries that have been deemed rebellious, like Cuba, and they suffer embargos for a lifetime. The slave masters (or better still our European captors) still dictate the freedom of mankind. The true story has never been told and their true colors have never been revealed and their benefits from the slave trade have never been put under scrutiny.

Nothing has changed. We are as enslaved today as we were yesterday, we just do not know it because Slavery is now called by a new name: Capitalism.

We will and always be subjected to dictates. We cannot operate on our own free will, even your body does not belong to you anymore to do what you want with it, hence the dictates of being vaccinated. The state (and by extension our masters) still have us as expected under their control, but the freedom you claim to have is not given, only sometimes tolerated.

In the circumstances, I still await an apology from the previous slave owners for their Barbaric actions and the compensation needed to make things right, but until then, c’est mem bet, mem pwel! (Same birds with like feathers!)

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