IT is quite evident that world affairs are becoming a concern for mankind.
A lot that seemed normal and practical is taking a different twist. Yesteryear, many people seemed to choose to live in the United States or elsewhere because the grass seemed greener and that forever promise of a better life seemed attractive then. So, many folded up and packed their bags, and cut their ties with their original country, friends and family, in the quest for a better lifestyle. Some vowed not to return because life in their adopted country gave them no hope for prosperity.
But, little did they know that such dreams and aspirations could be shattered with the passing of time -and just one man’s signature.
Because of these choices that they made, some have had to endure some different and difficult times, to even make a living in their new chosen home. And whether by chance or by choice, most are now living a life of discontentment and uncertainty.
If you don’t choose to return or come to the realization that you are deemed to be a forever refugee, or just not appreciated in these choice countries because the system of government does not need your input nor services anymore and wants you out by any means, you’ll soon learn the hard way.
Now, starting all over again is not an option in your mind, and all the ties that you once had at home are not necessarily still there. The jobs you once rejected to do at home are still the same, and the wealth you promised yourself to get has dwindled and in some circumstances, you are more in debt. But it’s all still here at home.
You will probably feel ashamed, disappointed, neglected and saddened by the turn of events and your next choice is not readily available because Crapo smoked your pipe.
The material quest that seems to govern most of our lives today is now questionable, the absence of God and Good seems to have landed you in hot water and you are not welcomed any more as the song says.
You are now hoping that the government you criticized at home and the family and friends you disowned would come to your rescue and show you ‘Mercy’ despite the fact that it was you who severed the ties.
As the Good Book asks: What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?
Your tomorrow is now neither here nor there and because you are the cause of your own predicament, I have no pity for you or share in your remorseful state of being.
Poor Jab, but this is the result of the choices we sometimes make, not considering that you cannot always lay your eggs in one basket, or eat your cake and still have it.
You have enjoyed the American ‘Bwa’ forever, but now Americans are saying you’ve been doing that too long and refused to legalize yourself and now you are being told to Go Back Home!
Here at home, some who have survived need to also check themselves because with the return of the prodigals they will want to lean on you and expect or even demand your ‘Mercy’ and beg or ask for your ‘Love’, even though they were the ones who severed the ties.
This world is not our own, what you sow is what you will reap and how you make your bed is how you will sleep, so take heed.
There are some changes that we must consider, and if you live carefree, are not considerate and do not focus on the eventuality of changes that can happen, you can become a victim of your own predicament.
It is important to learn and grow with understanding because only the fittest will survive the test of time.
Take examples from the foolish and the wise, be thoughtful and humble and be respectful to God, your family and friends, because in the final analysis that is all we have.
You can follow or be led, and you can choose your path because you are in control of your destiny, but life holds the answer to our future and some answers are not readily available.
That’s just the way it is.