
Aspiring Commonwealth Youth United Through the Universal Language of Football

A new global sporting event, The Henry Charles Commonwealth Cup, launches on October 12, empowering young footballers worldwide

Dr. Henry Charles
Dr. Henry Charles

Saint Lucia’s twin Olympic wins by Julien Alfred in 2024 highlight and underline the ever-ready capacity of its youth to make their homeland and fellow citizens proud and attract international respect through contributions that inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Indeed, since Julien Alfred won Olympic Gold in the Women’s 100m and Silver in the 200m in Paris in July, there’s been a virtual snowball effect of inspiration and talent exhibition, with young Saint Lucians also performing well in later regional sporting meets, including cricket, swimming and boxing.

Julien’s September 24, 2024, homecoming will be the biggest national welcome ceremony for any returning Saint Lucian achiever. The nation will wait to exhale while witnessing the flag-waving cavalcade along its highways.

After she returns to school in Texas, however, the Henry Charles Commonwealth Cup (HCCC) – to be launched October 12 – will be Saint Lucia’s next big international sporting event.

What is the Henry Charles Commonwealth Cup?

Dr Henry Charles – a.k.a. ‘The Godfather of Youth Development’ –  was a co-chair of the Commonwealth Year of the Youth 2024.  A gentle giant, he’s also described as “A champion of youth empowerment and resilience” whose “impact extended globally” and “one who quietly moved mountains” to “advance the development of young people everywhere…” However, his untimely passing (July 7, 2023) created a massive void in the Commonwealth’s youth development landscape.

Dr Charles was the Director of the Commonwealth’s Youth Programme (CYP) Caribbean Centre and an Interim Director in London. After his tour of duty in the Commonwealth, he also worked as a youth policy development consultant for many Caribbean territories and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).

At the time of his unexpected departure, Dr Charles was the Senior Programme Specialist for Child Resilience at UNICEF Netherlands, stationed in Sint Maarten.

A prolific poet, writer and presenter, he authored numerous publications, reports and papers on youth participation and policy development and presented at many national, regional and international fora.

The HCCC initiative is the brainchild of Robin Lockhart (Catalyst in Communities) and Penny Adaarewa (Elevate), who found it fitting to honour his legacy because of his dedication and visionary leadership, which continues to inspire future generations of youth advocates and practitioners worldwide.

This project also aligns with The Commonwealth’s Year of Youth for 2024 activities to empower 1.6 billion young people in 56 Commonwealth nations, focusing on active participation and raising awareness throughout member nations.

A Global Movement

The project aims to create a global movement encouraging youth to join a vibrant community. It will highlight emerging talents across sports and entertainment industries worldwide to provide youth opportunities to make significant social impacts.

The Commonwealth’s Year of Youth has fully endorsed the initiative as it recognises the transformative power of the project, which harnesses the power of football to engage and empower young people, fostering community cohesion and personal development.

The HCCC will create opportunities for emerging youth talent, highlight crucial aspects of youth development, and allow people across the Commonwealth to engage in Positive Youth Development Workshops (in their countries and online).

Sustainable Goals

Issues pertinent to the Commonwealth Youth Development Index will be addressed following Dr Henry Charles’ methodology on appreciative inquiry.

For example, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – for Peace and Security, Economic Parity, Access to Education, Food Security and workshops on Psychological Well-being, Critical Thinking, Resilience, Mindset Coaching and Personal Development – will also be conducted.

The expected outcomes of the initiative include improved mental and physical health among participants, increased access to professional opportunities in sports and media and enhanced community engagement and cohesion.

The tournament will be held every two years and will continue to engage new emerging talents while supporting the growth and development of existing individuals.

The organisers declare: “Our ethos places young people at the heart and centre of everything we do.”

Their ultimate vision is: “To inspire and empower youth across the United Kingdom (UK) and the Commonwealth through a football  tournament that celebrates diverse talents and creativity, fostering opportunities for the growth and development of tomorrow’s leaders.”

Simultaneous Global Launch

The HCCC’s UK launch will be in Bromley, a vibrant community and grassroots football hub in Greater London, where Bromley FC’s recent promotion to the English Football League – after 132 years – is an inspiring backdrop to this initiative.

The project also plans to expand to major urban centres across the UK, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

Internationally, it will also be launched simultaneously in Dr Henry Charles’ homeland, Saint Lucia, as well as in India, Pakistan and Zambia, reflecting the organisers’ commitment to embrace the Commonwealth from the very outset.

The organizers promise, too, that “Every milestone of this launch will be documented in a feature-length film, followed by a series of ongoing films, offering an in-depth look at the project’s journey and impact.”

“This unprecedented venture,” they add, “will unite and uplift communities through the universal language of football.”

Empowering, Celebrating and Shaping…

In addition to ensuring sustainability and continuous improvement, the HCCC is dedicated to empowering youth, celebrating talent — and shaping future leaders.

The project offers all stakeholders a unique opportunity to contribute to a movement poised for significant growth and global impact, inspiring and empowering youth through sport and entertainment.

The opening and closing ceremonies will be large-scale events that raise awareness, celebrate youth achievements, and spotlight emerging talent. They will feature performances by renowned cultural artistes and attendance by global sports personalities.

Investment and Marketing

The HCCC events will provide excellent investment marketing opportunities, ensuring a return on investment through increased visibility and other outlined benefits.

Investor support is regarded as “crucial to the success of this project” – and the organisers underline that they are “committed to delivering tangible returns, whether financial or otherwise, from 2024 and beyond!”

All that said, all is well – and ‘Good-to-Go!’

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