Features, Lifestyle

Fried Plantains Recipe


Here’s a simple and delicious recipe for fried plantains:

• 2 ripe plantains (yellow with black spots for sweetness)
• Vegetable oil for frying
• Salt to taste (on your favorite plantain topping)

1. Prepare the Plantains:
Peel the plantains by cutting off the ends and slicing through the peel lengthwise.
Slice the plantains diagonally into 1/2 inch thick pieces.
2. Heat the Oil:
Pour about 1/4 inch of vegetable oil into a large skillet and heat over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking.
3. Fry the Plantains:
Add the plantain slices to the hot oil, making sure not to overcrowd the pan.
Fry for about 2-3 minutes on each side until they are golden brown and crispy.(Don’t move your eyes on them)
4. Drain and Season:
Remove the plantains from the skillet and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.
Sprinkle with salt to taste.

Serve hot as a side dish or snack.

For more details and variations on any plantain recipe, you can ask all your friends and family how they prepare their plaintain.

Enjoy your delicious fried plantains!

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