![Sylvestre Phillip M.B.E](https://thevoiceslu.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Sylvestre-Phillip.png)
ON June 23, 2024, the St. Lucia Teachers’ Credit Cooperative Ltd. Celebrated forty years of growth and resilience, amidst prevailing economic realities. And the legacy continues.
When Jesus began his mission, he chose 12 apostles. However, they were chosen gradually. The first five apostles were Peter, James, John, Andrew and Philip.
The mission of the St. Lucia Teachers’ Credit Cooperative Ltd began in a similar manner. The Holy Spirit chose Mr. Robert Augustin, the founding ‘Father’, President, in 1984. Four other apostles were chosen to propagate the mission as follows: Sylvestre Phillip, Vice President, Jane Augustin, Secretary, Francis Suraj, Treasurer and Philbert Francis, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer. These apostles founded the SLTCC, and formed the first Board of Directors in 1984.
In a previous article, I inadvertently left out Apostle Jane Augustin in the first five apostles. Jane Augustin held the position of Secretary. I referred to her in the body of the article, however it is sufficiently important to identify her as one of the first five apostles. Indeed, she was one of the pivots of the SLTCC.
There were a number of challenges that triggered the resilience of the SLTCC. Chief of those was the issue of registration of the society.
A well-established credit union in St. Lucia did not want the board of directors to pursue the registration of the SLTCC. In fact, the credit union wanted the members of the proposed SLTCC to join their organization instead of going it as a separate entity. The credit union went as far as to try to dissuade the then Registrar from registering the SLTCC as a credit Union.
Now as you may very well know, teachers do it with class. And the board of directors wanted to show that its student- members were capable of performing with distinction, and pursued its goal of registration of the SLTCC.
Indeed, the SLTCC was formally registered in 1986, two years after its birth. And the organization never looked backed.
Another challenge that lingered was to get the members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), on time to start the meeting as previously stated on the notice despatched to all members at least 15 days before the meeting.
I can recall that at a proposed Annual General Meeting at the R.C. Boys Infant School had to be rescheduled because of lack of a quorum after one hour of the scheduled meeting. The board of directors were ready with reports and other printed information, and snacks for the members. The meeting was rescheduled for the following week, at the same time and place. The Annual General Meeting was in fact held. As I write, the Annual General Meetings are now being held on time, without any postponement or disruptions. Another indication of resilience!
As the SLTCC celebrates forty years of growth and resilience, I wish to recognize the current board of directors, under the able leadership of a long serving member, Peter Louisy, the present managing director and her management team, and the staff of the SLTCC.
Now, as I speak of staff, I wish to recognise Mrs. Deidre Biscombe, Assistant Managing Director, who has spent twenty-three fruitful years with the SLTCC. She has demonstrated both diligence and resilience in the organisation. It is correct to say that Mrs. Biscombe is the longest serving staff member of the SLTCC.
Indeed, there are other members who must be mentioned as the society celebrates forty years of growth and resilience. I remember Past President Thomas Boulogne, Past President Clara Drysdale, Past President Mc. Orville Combie, and Past President Martina Belizaire.
Now, it must be understood that there were scores of diligent members who served the SLTCC, and many still continue to serve to date, whose names cannot be mentioned in the interest of space.
One of the items members will be sure to find on the cover page of their AGM booklet, is the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi which is recited at every formal meeting.
Now, who was St. Francis of Assisi. He was an Italian who died in Assisi Italy, in the year 1226. Indeed, the famous message of St. Francis of Assisi is: “Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given.”
Now, Saint Francis of Assisi had trained the Jesuits organization, and the Jesuits priests started the largest Credit Union in New York. It is there that the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi was adopted as the credit union prayer.
Indeed, please allow me to quote the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi here: “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness light; and where there is sadness joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not So seek to be consoled as o console; T be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
This is the prayer which has guided the SLTCC in its pursuits of achieving continued growth and resilience. Not even COVID-19 was able to leave the St. Lucia Teachers’ Credit Cooperative Ltd behind.
The society has been able to serves their officers, staff and members with Pride and Dignity, as enshrined in our National Anthem.