Inspiring Women, News

CIWiL Saint Lucia Chapter observes International Day of Women in Diplomacy

International Day of Women in Diplomacy was observed on Monday June 24, 2024.

To commemorate this important date on the calendar the Saint Lucia Chapter of CIWiL (Caribbean Women in Leadership) hosted an “info-session” at the Central Library with the support of the Saint Lucia Women’s Parliamentary Caucus. The Women’s Parliamentary Caucus is made up of both former and present women who have served in our parliaments.

The “info-session” which took the form of a roundtable discussion was described as “thought provoking, informative and fun” by one of the attendees. The discussions were facilitated by members of the Women’s Parliamentary Caucus.

Former senator Dr Alison Gajadhar-Foster discussed the focus and purpose of the Womens’ Parliamentary Caucus and some of the objectives and plans of the Caucus. Mrs Leonne Theodore-John, attorney-at-law, former Speaker of the Saint Lucia House of Assembly and President of the Senate, who also served in our diplomatic core having been stationed at the Saint Lucia High Commission in England took a look at some of the legislature impacting women and how women could affect legislation by becoming more present and active in elective politics. She stressed that it was absolutely necessary for women to have a seat in the Cabinet and in our parliaments, where legislation was presented and passed. Mrs Nancy Nicholas has served in our diplomatic core for more than 20 years and shared her personal journey with attendees. She described “diplomacy as an art. You can give anyone a paintbrush and a canvas but it is only the artist who knows how to paint the picture.”

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