
National Awards Committee Announces Official Opening of Nomination Period

THE National Awards Committee has officially declared the nomination period for the Order of Saint Lucia / National Awards open.

Chair of The Committee, Mrs. Mauricia Thomas-Francis along with fellow Committee Members, Sharon Ephraim and Malaika Compton made the announcement during the official media launch that premiered on the National Television Network (NTN) on October 10, 2023. During the media launch, Committee Members provided detailed explanations about the criteria, eligibility and submission process for nominees.

The Order of Saint Lucia Award is conferred on distinguished Saint Lucians who have made indelible contributions to community and national development. The ceremony is scheduled to take place in March 2024.

The Committee invites the public to participate in the nomination process by seeking out and identifying Saint Lucians who have positively impacted and influenced lives and excelled in their civic endeavours.

Nomination forms are available at constituency offices throughout the island, Office of the Prime Minister, the Central Library and sub-offices, the General Post Office and sub-offices, Accountant General’s Department and sub-offices. The deadline for submitting completed nomination forms is December 8, 2023.

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