Letters & Opinion

2.5% LEVY – The abuse of unwarranted taxation

By James Stanislaus

ST LUCIANS are gradually coming to grips with the symptoms of a failed state based on an unfortunate decision taken on July 21, 2021.  The symptoms of this malaise have now gotten hold of the ordinary man who remains baffled with the state of the economy not realizing the consequences of incompetence of those in charge.  A one-to-one conversation with a man on the street tells the story as he generally felt by changing one PM for another was no big thing and regardless of the decision, the country would perform as normal but he has now realized that it isn’t so.

The sad part of the story is that the current PM remains unsure of the dilemma as he continues to be pulled in different directions by individuals who have their own agenda including a particular evil genius.  Those individuals go one step further by whispering words of endearment to a very simple minded individual, knowing exactly how to address such characters.

The PM has never sat back and asked himself two very simple questions.  What does it take to stimulate growth in an effort to create the cash flow required to convey liquidity within the system?

Unfortunately, the hard-minded socialist ideology imbedded in him for the past twenty-five years remains engrained in his undeveloped outlook.  Socialist minded individuals understand only one way of running a country and that is via taxation not realizing that the system has been tested and proven to be unsustainable but getting a country out of that hole requires more taxation.

The SLP found a performing economy with hundreds of artisans at work, but the narrow mindedness of this administration adopted a path of reckless behaviour by curtailing the forward thinking of their predecessor.  The most recent levy of 2.5% turned out to be a blatant hoax where the funds were never intended to do what was first suggested.  In an effort to deceive the public they have quickly turned the 2.5% into a semi VAT which was what was in their mind originally, but hesitated to speak the truth.  Again, if we reflect upon the various talk shows, we now clearly understand the person who pushed this idea into his very small brain.

Is the country that broke that having to find $33 million so desperately, government has to go through such a rigorous road?  That clearly explains to the public the state of the nation’s economy.

All the well-planned deceitful propaganda served to the public prior to the 2021 elections has returned to haunt the Ali Baba Clan big time, unable to find financing for anything but hoping and praying that by some miracle the Saudi family will have some sympathy on their immature and visionless plans.

They would be well advised to follow the pattern of the Saudi’s behaviour regarding any form of international financing by that country.  To date this administration continues to operate in the dark ages by designing taxes that work against the population rather for it.  In their haste to perform, it is done cluelessly which has been their modus operandi from day one.  This clan have always been employees of the state and never understood the importance of job creation, which is the hallmark of success.

1 Comment

  1. The reasons for the levy are clear. The money raised will go towards health and security. It’s your right to be unhappy about that. But I don’t have a problem with it so long as this money goes where it’s supposed to go, like giving our police the equipment and training they need to fight crime. The last Government made a big deal about cutting VAT, and they cut things in the Budget black is white, like cutting the training vote of the police and the prisons. Prison officers had no radios. Large parts of the fencing of the prison are still in bad shape. The police had no vehicles. Police stations were falling apart. In the meantime, the SLP government closed down the landfill in the south, and burdened the taxpayer with the cost of moving garbage to Deglos at a cost of $1million a month. A modern abattoir built by the Taiwanese costing $5 million was demolished to make way for Ah King’s horses. Were you there when all this was going on? SMDH

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