One would have expected a lot more from an MP who twice represented the nation as Housing Minister. On his recent appointment as housing minister, he found in place three well created housing projects adequately financed and which in eighteen months from July 2021 we would have witnessed the completion of 600 incredible house spots fully serviced. More importantly, some 800 St. Lucians were fully employed, 50 heavy equipment owners had their equipment engaged and their debt servicing remained current, instead, the Minister made a spectacle of himself via national television with three 10ft by 16ft units bragging about the housing ministry making history.
Ironically, the figure 3 showed the difference between three housing projects inherited by his ministry simply thrown down the drain for three 10ft by 16ft boxes. As a seasoned politician, was he not aware of projects like Cornerstone and other similar housing for the poor which were designed for individuals he discovered sleeping under the elements? For the Minister’s guidance, St. Lucia has dozens of such cases which have been addressed in the past on a professional basis, but more importantly, if it is his intention to be serious, he simply must walk around his own constituency opposite the market and deal with the vagrants within that area.
St. Lucians are not that gullible Mr. Minister, and we suggest that silly gimmicks be kept away from the public eye if you wish to enjoy any form of recognition or meaningful contribution. Your first three hundred days in office has left much to be desired based on the unnecessary confusion you have created thus far, and which is unlikely to change as the days and months move forward based on your former performance.
By James Stanislaus