Welcome students to another lesson in the Open School on Teacher Appraisal. The school is open to parents, guardians, teachers, students and members of the public. This is the seventh in a series of lessons which is done in the Open school every two weeks. It is my hope that students will acquire knowledge and a better understanding of Teacher Appraisal.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to (a) explain, in a simple sentence, the meaning of Teacher Appraisal (b) students will be able to list two parts of Teacher Appraisal.
At the end of the lesson, we will reflect on how much we have learnt through a simple evaluation.
In the previous lesson we learnt about the school curriculum and some of the main documents relating to the curriculum and their importance in teaching and learning. We also learnt that students are assessed formally at the end of each school term as well as the end of the school year.
Teachers also must give an account of their stewardship. By that I mean their principal or supervisor would have to determine their level of performance in the classroom for the academic year.
The instrument or document which will help the principal or supervisor to determine the teacher’s level of performance for the academic year is called a Teacher Appraisal Instrument.
But what exactly is a Teacher Appraisal? Very simply, a teacher appraisal instrument is designed to help the principal or supervisor ensure that the teacher has the skills and support to carry out their duties effectively.
The main areas of focus of the Teacher Appraisal are: (a) Punctuality and Regularity; (b) Planning and Preparation; (c) Knowledge of Subject Matter and content of teaching; (d) Teaching Methods or Strategies; (e) Testing and Evaluation Methods; (f) Classroom Management; (g) Interpersonal Relations; (h) Professional Development; and (i) Professionalism.
Now let us look at the areas of focus of the Teacher Appraisal Instrument. It is important for you to know that the process is followed by the principal or supervisor together with the teacher. Also, that a rating scale from 5 to 0 is used to rate the teacher in the various areas of the Appraisal Instrument. 5 is for always, 4 is for very often, 3 is for often; 2 is for Sometimes, 1 is for seldom, and 0 is for never.
Punctuality and Regularity. This area of the appraisal determines the teacher’s level of regularity and punctuality.at the school. That information could easily be obtained from a staff attendance register which is kept by the school.
We come now to teacher Planning and Preparation to meet the students who are entrusted to their care, to nurture and educate.
This area is critical to teaching and learning. The area tries to determine whether teacher is in possession of relevant scheme of work and maintains written plans of work to carefully guide teaching and learning during the instructional time. The principal or supervisor has the full responsible of carefully perusing the documents and making comments and observations where necessary.
This brings us to the area of Knowledge of Subject Matter and Content of teaching. Facilitators of learning must have a sound knowledge of the subject matter to be taught. This knowledge should be skilfully demonstrated during the execution of lessons. As a result, the teacher appraisal will determine the teacher’s knowledge of the subject matter that he or she teaches.
During the teaching and learning processes, the teacher is expected to use a variety of strategies which stimulates students’ learning. He or she is expected to craft a variety of appropriate materials or resources which would facilitate teaching and learning.
Additionally, the facilitator of learning is expected to provide students with opportunities to practice skills and concepts acquired during lessons. In in-classroom practice, we refer to it as exercises. The teacher appraisal focuses very carefully in this area.
We come now to Testing and Evaluation Methods. This is the area which will inform the teacher or facilitator of learning, of the level of achievement by students.
Testing is a very sensitive aspect of learning. And teachers must be very skilful in the preparation of tests. I wish to emphasize here that content not covered or taught must not be tested.
When a test is administered, the teacher is expected to provide feedback to the students on their performance on the test. Steps are also taken by the teacher to note the areas of weakness of the students on the test with a view to re-teaching the subject matter.
Again, the appraisal instrument will attempt to determine whether these areas were carefully followed.
We come now to Classroom Management. Teachers are in fact classroom managers. They employ effective disciplinary measures, promote an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, manage class time effectively, establish rules and regulations that govern classroom behaviour. The teacher appraisal also focuses on this area.
It is important for teachers to maintain good Interpersonal Relations with the principal, members of staff, parents and members of the public who are all stakeholders in the matter of education.
The classroom teacher should be involved in research and kept abreast in professional development activities.
Finally, the teacher should be committed to the welfare of students, his or her deportment must be appropriate, and exhibits impartiality and fairness.
Now two questions for you: (1) In a simple sentence explain what is meant by teacher appraisal? (2) List or name two areas of the Teacher Appraisal which is administered by the principal or supervisor in collaboration with the classroom teacher.