The High Court of Justice will on Friday review the matter between Dr. Gilbertha St Rose and the Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Council (SLMDC).

The Council last year suspended St. Rose’s registration and practicing certificates for a period of six months commencing December 7, 2021.
The reasons for the suspension were St. Rose prescribing and supplying Ivermectin to her patients as a treatment for COVID-19 in the absence of authorisation for said use by the Ministry of Health or the Chief Medical Officer, and for publicly encouraging the use of Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.
St. Rose, in a statement yesterday said she was simply utilising her medical and professional autonomy in the use of an approved drug, using it off label safely and efficaciously, as has been increasingly occurring with many other drugs including Ivermectin in the private and even public sectors the world over.
“Without sufficient evidence and investigation, I was also charged $10,000.00 for carrying out a clinical trial. I did not conduct any clinical trial. In fact I submitted an application for clinical trial for use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 infection to the Research and Ethics Committee of the Medical and Dental Council and re-applied with adjustment since the Ministry of Health and Elderly Affairs here did not agree to collaborate and participate in the said clinical trial. We have not received further communication from the Committee,’ St Rose said.
Dr. St. Rose said that by denying her a fair hearing the Council denied her right to work.
“My Legal Counsel acting for me has filed an application on December 30, 2021 for leave to file Judicial review and is seeking some remedies from the Court. These documents were served on Council on January 5, 2022. We have recently the date of Friday, February 11, 2022 for a hearing in the High Court of Justice, on Zoom at 11:00 a.m.,’ Dr. St. Rose said.
Dr. St. Rose is seeking to quash the decision of the Council; an interim injunction temporarily staying the decision of the Council until the final determination of these proceedings; an order mandating the reinstatement with immediate effect of her Practicing Certificate and declarations that the Medical and Dental Council arrived at their decision on the basis of: illegality, irrationality and procedural impropriety.
“I will continue to reassure and educate my people of the effectiveness and safety of using Ivermectin among other measures to treat and prevent COVID-19 infection. There is now even more evidence of the efficacy of Ivermectin. It is so negligent and unethical that persons are not allowed free choice and opportunity to use Ivermectin,” St. Rose said.