Saint Lucians employed in the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program are to benefit from a National Commodity List Wage Increase for the 2022 Agricultural Season with effect from January 01st. 2022.
The 1.46% Wage increase, which was implemented by the Federal Government, will apply to all workers (Canadians and Foreign) employed in all commodities except in the case of Mushrooms, Pedigreed canola seed, Seed Corn, Grains, Oilseeds and Maple Syrup.
However, it should be noted that this Federal wage increase will not apply in Provinces and Territories where the minimum wage is already higher. In the case of the Province of Ontario, where most of our Saint Lucian Seasonal Agricultural workers are employed, wages that are below CND$15.00 per hour will be subject to change if the Province’s minimum wage is increased to CND$15.00 per hour.
This Federal National Commodity Wage Increase will cover the following commodities: Apiary, Bovine, Dairy, Duck, Fruits & Vegetables (including canning/processing of these products if grown on a farm), Flowers, Nursery-Grown Trees (including Christmas trees, greenhouses/nurseries), Horse, Mink, Poultry, Sheep, Swine, Sod And Tobacco.
The wages for Mushrooms, Pedigreed Canola Seed, Seed Corn, Grains, Oilseeds, And Maple Syrup are set at the Median Job Bank wage rate.
With a view to providing members of the public with some knowledge of the wages paid to workers employed in the Agricultural Sector in Canada, the following example of the hourly rates paid to workers, as of January 01st. 2022), employed in Fruits and Vegetables in the Provinces and Territories is provided:
Alberta — CND $15.65 per hour
British Columbia — CND $15.20 per hour
Manitoba — CND $12.07 per hour
New Brunswick — CND $11.87 per hour
Newfoundland and Labrador — CND 12.75 per hour
Nova Scotia — CND $12.95 per hour
Ontario — CND $14.60 per hour
Prince Edward Island — CND $13.04 per hour
Saskatchewan — CND $11.81 per hour
Yukon — CND $15.20 per hour.
Provinces and Territories in Canada are free to set their own minimum wage, but it cannot be lower than the minimum wage set by the Federal Government.