Gun Violence continues to be the island’s malignant wound, leaving citizens to wonder if its spread can be contained or controlled.
Residents of Ravine Chabot are still trying to come to terms with the latest homicide that occurred in their community especially as it was at a time when persons would be making their way to work.

Twenty-three-year-old Jonathan Sonson became the island’s latest youth to lose his life to gun violence when he was shot dead at approximately 6:45 a.m. According to investigators, the deceased was involved in a struggle prior to his body being riddled with bullets.
Sonson, according to residents speaking with HTS News, allegedly met his demise as the result of a possible stolen motorcycle that he attempted to retrieve.
The early morning shooting took the number of recorded homicides on the island to 64, making the year 2021, the deadliest thus far.
Investigations are ongoing.