“The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.” Tony Robbins

In the midst of all the anxieties and uncertainties in the world today, there is hope. So much is happening all around us. It is impossible to keep up with developments in the areas of health and economy, especially in the USA.
Those persons who have taken the wise decision to take the vaccine are now about to be given some freedom to live with fewer restrictions once again. We are now hearing that very soon the need to wear a mask may be relaxed. This is one of the best things that could happen to those of us who love to live free. It is now easier to travel in the Caribbean Travel Bubble. In the USA, children 12 years and over are being vaccinated, schools are actively considering returning to a 5-day week. A situation that is very likely to be much the same in many countries.
In some regions of the world, COVID-19 is not as ravaging as in others. Regardless of wherever in the world we find ourselves, business executives are pressing ahead with finding opportunities to continue or even expand their organisations. COVID-19 has provided everyone with an opportunity to take time to look inward and seek out their real purpose in life. Many positive outcomes have been shared by those who are willing to help others and give hope to them. It is not all doom and gloom, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The financial sector is booming. More millionaires are being made today than in any other time in modern history. We have moved from being excited about Millionaires to Billionaires, and soon it will be Zillionaires.
It is time for our political leaders in the region to open up opportunities to everyone with a story to tell, to share it with their immediate community and the rest of the world. Self Education/Knowledge, Industry is the new multibillion-dollar industry that is currently emerging. I am bold enough to say that thousands of home-based businesses are possible to come on stream, beginning today, if we will find a way of bringing our great, and not so great minds together, to develop and implement ideas that will help to alleviate the unemployment scourge which is causing a decline in social standards. We can never provide the massive impact that is necessary to hit the core of the unemployment situation.
Let us begin by taking the thousands of niches and products that are already available in the world, apply them as they are, or tweak them to meet the current demands of consumers. There are massive amounts of money to be made in this crazy world. This is not an individual game, it is a team game. The team brings life to the dream. Together, we are strong. It is not about any one individual, it’s about our communities and the wider world. Your idea may have the potential to reach out to the world and bring joy to the hearts of many.
The past few days have been mind-boggling as I joined the Own Your Future 5-Day Challenge with lead presenters Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi along with other superstar Coaches. The stories challenged me and I now challenge the brightest and the best in St. Lucia and the wider region to seek out the niches and implement products and services that will change lives.
What can be done to change the mindset of our Caribbean people? We always chose to follow and seldom strive to lead. Too many of us are left to do it alone without any support.
It is all about storytelling. I continue to listen to story after story over the years as I continue to participate in webinars in several areas of business. Storytelling is very powerful, especially when people speak their truth. As I experience my sunset years, I feel there is a lot that can be done to motivate our people toward a higher purpose. I wish to be a part of the group of Evangelists to tell our stories. I cannot do it alone, but definitely with several persons who have stories to tell. I am waiting to hear from you.
Keep the faith, help is on the way. Let us continue to dream big, and expect miracles.
Stay safe!
Edward Harris
Freelance Journalist/Realtor/Business Consultant
Email: [email protected]