Letters & Opinion

A Potential Hazard


For the past ninety days the construction on this building on Brazil Street, Castries has stopped and the wooden scaffolding shown in this photo remains suspended which is unsafe and poses a hazard to passersby. Hopefully the authorities will take note and address the situation.

The Observer

1 Comment

  1. Who the hell is that builder and where was the Building Inspector (if any at all)..
    In the world where I live, that sort of thing called building construction, would not
    happen. It is unsafe, should be condemned, construction Stopped and demand
    a professional assessment before going forward one way or another. I blame the
    authorities to have allowed this hazard to go that far before putting an end to the
    so called construction. I always thought that before any renovation or construction
    of a Structure the authorities would first Issue a ‘Building Permit’ after the owner
    have submitted Professional Plans (Blue Prints) to be approved by the Department
    of Planning and the Builder must adhere to the approved Plans;what happened here?

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