I take this opportunity once more to elaborate on my article in The VOICE of November 7th, 2019 highlighting “Is Sanity a Notion of the Past?” The causes for my reiteration are based on the recent comments by the opposition leader in regards to his proposed actions if returned to office. Rick Wayne recently reminded the SLP leader that he does not have to be in power to address his immediate concerns, for, as leader of the opposition, he may do so by simply tabling a motion and dealing with any current corruption matters some of which were alleged to have occurred previously and remain unanswered to date. Further, by his own comments, he stated quite empathically that he has absolutely no intention of addressing the Grynberg Issue which remains both a concern and a burden on the nation’s purse. This is a clear indication that he is not serious in discharging his duties and false promises remain a notion of the past and St Lucians are no longer gullible in that regard.
Linking the DSH project to St Jude is nothing short of political jargon and mischief. DSH is a private investment that has already injected EC$80 million into the economy and another EC$50 million now in progress with a 250-room hotel and a top-class university well on its way. Currently, all the hotels from Soufriere to Vieux Fort are already over booked for the December 13th racing event and booking interests beyond the first races for February 21st, 2020 Independence Day are already registering positive signs. The petty areas of unrest created by detractors in respect to our schools is nothing more than a distraction and the public at large are fully aware of these gimmicks. The silly concerns on Facebook and beyond in regard to the Cabot Development is yet another distraction of political gimmickry. The golf course and villas under construction received planning clearance 12 years ago when the property was owned by Raffles, and no concerns were raised neither should we lose sight of the MOU between Caribbean Cruise and Royal Caribbean to address the Cruise Industry while the naysayers have targeted both developments. It is clear, that since this administration has moved into office, a number of persons simply cannot accept the change, but little do they realise that all these unnecessary distractions have a negative effect on the progress of the nation and by extension to future investors.