GOVERNMENT Negotiating Team (GNT) has replied to the National Workers Union’s (NWU) letter dated October 15, 2018, in which it pointed out that Non-established, Daily Paid Watchmen and Constituency Council workers had their wages frozen for three (3) years.
According to the union, “This measure brought untold hardship and left economic scars that are quite visible.”
The NWU requested that “a Lump Sum Payment [be made] before Christmas 2018 to all these workers, following which negotiations could continue in the first quarter of 2019.”
The NWU says it “is of the opinion that Government must put some money on the road for Christmas 2018.”
Such a decision, the union advised, “will have serious multiplier effect.”
Meanwhile, according to the union, “a date for the GNT and the NWU’s meeting is being considered.”