Officials from the Government Negotiating Team (GNT) and the Leadership and Shop Stewards from the National Workers Union (NWU) met LAST week for discussions on a Lump Sum Payment requested by the NWU for ITS Bargaining Unit employed with Government.
After two hours of discussion the following was agreed: One thousand dollars ($1000.00) Lump Sum Payment will be given before Christmas 2018.
Non-established workers — Daily Paid workers, Watchmen, Constituency Councils, Victoria Hospital, Health Aides and other workers in the Bargaining Unit — will enjoy THE $1000 payout before Christmas.
Meanwhile, the Government Negotiating Team and the NWU will meet in January 2019 to complete negotiations that will cover the triennium going forward.
The NWU says it “will adopt a new approach to the upcoming negotiations as the talks will be held Ministry by Ministry.”
The NWU will be requesting a list of workers from all the Ministries with the Length of Service, Job Titles, Rates of Pay and Certification and Experience during their period of employment.
The NWU is of the opinion that these negotiations will be challenging but rewarding. (NWU)