SAINT LUCIA will be participating in the annual FIRST Global Challenge – Robot Olympics under the theme “Energy Impact”.
During the competition or challenge, shifting alliances of three nations will compete to fuel power plants, initiate renewable energy plants and build a resilient transmission network using their team robots.
Team Saint Lucia will be one of over 150 countries participating in this Olympiad style international competition.
The team comprises Anna Kaye Boodho of Vieux Fort Comprehensive Secondary A-level Department, Dion Racai and Taton David of Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Division of Arts, Science and General Studies.
The students will be accompanied by Giannetti George, the Curriculum Officer of National Sciences.
The FIRST Global Challenge is a high-profile, international robotics competition convening high school aged participants from over 150 countries who work together to solve global challenges. This competition inspires not only those who participate, but also many more from the teams’ home countries.
Last year, Saint Lucia ranked in the top one third and this year’s team is working to improve this performance.
The press is being invited to a press conference to meet the members of Team Saint Lucia and to view the team robot named, “Hewanorra,” demonstrating its capabilities.
The press conference will be held on Tuesday, 7th August, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. in the office of the Chief Education Officer, 3rd floor of the Francis Compton Building.