YOU doubt it, right? Well, here’s the proof.
It’s been 50 years since the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. who was shot and killed on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. He is to this day revered as the foremost champion of “black” (African American) civil rights and a man of high ethical and moral standards.

Furthermore, his “I have a dream” speech is revered by many around the world as a work dedicated towards resolving the racial tensions emanating in our societies.
However, what is irrefutable is that he plagiarized his Dissertation Papers for his PhD, as well as a substantial portion of the aforementioned I Have A Dream Speech.”
A little-known fact about Martin Luther King Jr is that he plagiarized his Dissertation papers for his PhD, from work by a man called Jack Boozer. Clayborn Carson “a professor of history at Stanford University ” (New York Times) who, was “Selected in 1985 by Mrs. Coretta Scott King to edit and publish the papers of her late husband.” (King Institute Website) had this to say regarding the issue of King’s plagiarism of his Dissertation papers:
‘We found that there was a pattern of appropriation, of textual appropriation,’ (and that) ‘By the strictest definition of plagiarism — that is, any appropriation of words or ideas — there are instances of plagiarism in these papers.’” (New York Times article 1990)
That conclusion by Clayborn can hardly be considered biased or anti MLK, given that he runs the King Papers Project, and was hired to do so by MLK’s widow. He simply had no choice but to acknowledge the truth about MLK’s plagiarism.
In 1991, the New York Times published another article on King Jr’s plagiarism issue entitled: Boston U Panel Finds Plagiarism By Dr. King” stating, “A committee of scholars appointed by Boston University concluded today that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized passages in his dissertation for a doctoral degree at the university 36 years ago.”
The panel concluded that “There is no question, but that Dr. King plagiarized in the dissertation by appropriating material from sources not explicitly credited in notes, or mistakenly credited, or credited generally and at some distance in the text from a close paraphrase or verbatim quotation.”
And that’s not all. Some parts of the “I have a dream” speech, were plagiarized by Dr. Martin Luther King, as I have previously stated.
As George McDaniel and Jared Taylor’s book ‘A Race Against Time’ mentions, “Some of the best-known passages from King’s “I Have a Dream” speech are taken from a 1952 address by a black “preacher” named Archibald Carey.”
The below quoted passages contrast Archibald Carey’s 1952 speech, against Martin Luther King Jr’s 1955 speech three years later.
[Archibald James Carey Jr.:] Chicago, 1952
My country ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrims’ pride, From every mountainside, Let freedom ring!”
[Martin Luther King, Jr.:]
My country, ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride, From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
[Archibald James Carey Jr.:]
Not only from the Green Mountains and White Mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire; not only from the Catskills of New York.
[Martin Luther King, Jr.:]
From the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. From the mighty mountains of New York.
[Archibald James Carey Jr.:]
From the Stone Mountain in Georgia, from the great smoky’s of Tennessee.
[Martin Luther King, Jr.:]
From Stone Mountain of Georgia. From Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
[Archibald James Carey Jr.:]
From every mountainside. Let freedom ring.
[Martin Luther King, Jr.:]
From every mountainside, “LET FREEDOM RING”.
The evidence that many parts of the “I have a dream” speech were lifted from Archibald James Carey Jr’s speech in 1952 is undeniable: it’s verbatim in some cases.
And to top off the “I have a dream speech” matter, Martin Luther King Jr, after plagiarizing parts of the speech, had the audacity to copyright it…so that anyone who plagiarized his own plagiarism could be taken to court; hypocrisy much?
As George McDaniel and Jared Taylor’s aforementioned book says: “…it is clear that King did not take from others because he thought ideas and words were common property. He copyrighted the “I Have a Dream” speech, pilferings and all, and vigorously defended it against unauthorized use. King’s estate continues to enforce the copyright; …in a paroxysm of adulation, USA Today printed the full text of the speech, beginning on the front page. The estate sued.” They sued for a speech Martin Luther King Jr. gave, without giving any credit to Mr. Archibald James Carey, from whom it originally came.
Like many modern day heroes, Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy has been romanticized to such an extent that much of the truth about him, like his plagiarism for example, still remains unknown; 50 years after his death.
What’s the purpose of this article? To take down someone who gave their life for the cause and was a net plus to humanity? Sir you are grasping. Why not write about the failures of the St. Lucia political class if you want to do something useful.
I am not criticizing anybody here or saying my own opinion or what I think is right based on my feelings or anything like that. What I am about to show you ARE FACTS. FACTS ARE FACTS. TRUE FACTS. NOT A FAIRY TALE. For me the KING JAMES Bible is the final authority for all matters of faith and practice. I go by what the Bible says and not what men’s opinion says. Here we go.
This guy, MLK Jr. plagiarized or committed plagiarism of 2 WHOLE VERSES from the Holy King James Bible 1611 (there could be even more I think, I do not know but I found this myself by just reading it & comparing) in his “I have a dream speech”. Read the Book of Isaiah, chapter 40 and VERSES 4-5. It is almost exactly the same thing basically with the exception of some of the grammar punctuation & he also changed the word “shall” & replaced it with the word “will” instead & reorganized verse 4 but wrote everything. What he wrote (then copyright too to say it is his) is actually prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Second Advent or Second Coming. THIS IS NOT FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD OR THE BLACK PEOPLE, ET AL. THE BOOK OF ISAIAH PLAINLY TELLS YOU THAT THIS IS WRITTEN FOR THE JEWS, THE NATION OF ISRAEL WHICH IS JERUSALEM AS A NATION. Read the “I have a dream speech” & then read this two verses in the Bible on Isaiah. He only left the last part of the verse of number 5 which shows you who the REAL AUTHOR IS, WHICH SAYS: “FOR THE MOUTH OF THE LORD HATH SPOKEN IT.” It is the LORD GOD WHO SPOKE IT FROM HIS OWN MOUTH AND NOT MARTIN LUTHER King Jr. This guy also stole the name of the Real Martin Luther that lived in during the 1500 to 1600s. The real Martir Luther got saved from hell by reading the Epistle of Paul to the Romans 1:17 & Romans 5:1. He also exposed all the false doctrine of the Catholic Church along with the indulgences (He wrote a 95 Thesis against this. 95 reasons of why this is wrong of the selling of indulgences for forgiveness of sins, et al.). He taught the Doctrine of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE & ONLY GO BY WHAT THE SOLA SCRITURA SAYS OR ONLY THE SCRIPTURE. A preacher one said this; “the only thing that man learn from history is that man NEVER LEARNED FROM HISTORY.” I read this in the Peter S. Ruckman Reference Bible. I’m not sure if this was him or someone else. Look it up for yourself if you are interested to know more about the Bible and how to get saved from hell. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP AMERICA & DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY THE OLD DELUDER WHICH IS SATAN, THE DEVIL. He is the god of this world and he is a deceiver.(2 CORINTHIANS 4:4). If you read this, I encourage you to Read the Book of Jeremiah chapter 23 to learn about what God has to say about false prophets.
If you are not saved then believe in the Gospel of your SALVATION which is found in 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 which says, “For I delivered unto you first of that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and then he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” Believe it and be saved. Trust in the Finished Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. He shed His Precious Blood for all of your sins (past, present and future). Put your faith in His Blood Atonement Sacrifice and be saved from hell. Read Romans 3:25. Faith in the Blood.
There is no works involved in salvation according to Ephesians 2:8-9. You cannot earn your way to heaven by any of your good works or the way you live. The main issue that people today do not want to be saved and believe in the real God of the Bible, which is Jesus Christ our Lord is because of the word “RIGHTEOUSNESS”. Everyone wants to justify themselves and think they can go to heaven by the way they live among other things. THIS IS CALLED MEN’S RIGHTEOUSNESS AND THIS BY NO MEANS WILL GUARANTEE YOU TO GO TO HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE IN YOUR MORTAL BODY. According to the Bible, all men (including women) must receive GOD RIGHTEOUSNESS so they can go to heaven for ever. The only way that anyone can receive GOD RIGHTEOUSNESS is by TRUSTING IN THE FINISHED WORK OF JESUS CHRIST WITHOUT ANY WORKS. The Bible says in Romans 10:4 “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believe it.” “YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN ” JOHN 3:7
You are smart
Great article. Knew he had plagiarized the speech, but had no idea he plagiarized his dissertation. That is very lowly and undignified. Never worship the figures your teachers tell you to worship. Good grief. The fact that most do not know about this means independent thinking is not commonplace anymore. Question everything.
Right, independent thinking! Question everything except what you want to true. Are you just going to blindly accept what this person has written without questioning it, Mr./Ms. Independent? As somebody mentioned above, what purpose does this article serve? How does it benefit humanity? Or is it just some conservative hack trying to score points by attempting to sully somebody’s legacy who he thinks is respected by the other side.
You guys are rediculous. Every paper written uses Scholarly research.whatever he used he used it TO MAKE A WAVE OF CHANGE IN THE WORLD. Whatever your theory is about his work, HE WAS A FORCE THAT YOU CANNOT MATCH. Even after his death his speech and ethic to this day is something to study and impliment in this society we live in even to this day. Racism is not done. we Still have alot of closet racist running our GOVERNMENT. You should learn from his work not criticize it, that just shows your not trying to listen your just trying to discredit this guy who was murdered for SPEAKING UP about SOMETHING NOOONE ELSE WAS GOING TO SPEAK ABOUT