Ladies and gentlemen,
FOR the past twenty years, I have had the distinct privilege of serving as Governor General and Head of State of this beautiful land of ours. It was on the 17th day of September, 1997 that I took the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen accepting to serve as Her Representative here at home and to exercise the executive authority of Saint Lucia on Her behalf.

On this memorable day, I expressed my thanks to the Parliament and People of Saint Lucia for that singular honour that was bestowed on me. It has indeed been the most singular honour of my life and I will forever hold the most cherished memories of this incredible journey. I still remain awed by the realisation that I was called from among so many deserving persons in a land that has borne so many distinguished sons and daughters. I pledged then to serve you with all the zeal, the sensitivity and the objectivity that such an expression of confidence deserved.
On my assuming office, I chose as my Mission Statement to truly and faithfully represent the Sovereign in Saint Lucia in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, to foster national unity and identity at home and abroad, to promote our national economic, cultural and social interests and to encourage excellence in all fields of endeavours.
Throughout the course of these past twenty years, I have drawn inspiration from Her Majesty’s own steadfast and unwavering commitment to duty and service and from my own upbringing which taught me to look beyond the constraints of the moment to the promises of the future. I hope, therefore, that I have in some small measure been able to deliver on these my pledges and undertakings and that you have been pleased with my efforts.
As I leave office, I thank everyone most sincerely for the many ways in which you have enriched both my personal and professional life, for your generous and endearing support, for your gracious encouragement and for the tremendous goodwill you have shown me. I want you to know that your joys have been my joys, your pain, my pain.
To the young people of our country for whom I have an especial affection, I place Saint Lucia and its future in your capable hands. I know that many of you were not even born when I assumed office and so I am the only Governor General you know. I hope I have served you well. In fact, some of our young ladies are convinced that only women can hold that office and I can think of no better accolade. My thanks to all of you. I ask only, therefore, that you care for our fair Helen for its sustainability, its peace, its prosperity for the resurgence of its spirit of community and for a re-awakening of our own love for her.
I thank the representatives of those countries with which Saint Lucia has diplomatic relations who have contributed so generously to our efforts at national development. I thank all the organisations which I have served as Patron for embracing me as one of their own.
As this chapter of my life comes to a close, I am reminded of Sir Arthur’s farewell words to his Knights of the Round Table and I share them with you.
“The old order changeth, yielding place to new
And God fulfils Himself in many ways
Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.”
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to announce that I will be demitting office as Saint Lucia’s Governor General on December 31st, 2017. It has been indeed both a privilege and a pleasant duty to have served you and my country in this capacity. May God richly bless you all.
I close with warmest thoughts and very best wishes to all for a wonderful Christmas Season and a New Year of Peace and Happiness.
Mésyé, Medam, disèt Sèptanm té bay ventan dépi mwen té touvé apwenté Gouvènè Jénéwal ti bèl péyi-nou-an. Sété li pli gwan lonnè lavi mwen épi mwen ka wimèsyé tout moun péyi-a pou mannyè ou wisivwè mwen, manny ou sipoté mwen, ankouwajé mwen; mannyè ou mété konfyans-ou an mwen; mannyè ou anbwasé mwen an lavi’w, an tjè’w, an mézon’w.
Sété vwéman an lonnè pou té wépwézanté Lawenn Elizabeth kon Chèf Péyi-an, épi pou sèvi’w, sitoyen Sent Lisyen, piti kon gwan, ni sa ki ni mwayen kon sa ki pa ni. Mwen ka avoudwé kwè ki mwen té kapab diwan sé ven lanné sala, pòté an ti jèwté an lavi’w, mennen péyi-a ansanm antimiyèt, endé’w apwésye tout sa ki bèl èk favowab an peyi–a
Mésyé, Médam, lè-a ja wivépou mwen swété péyi-a oplès kon Gouvènè Jenewal, épi pou wimèsye’w infiniman pou lokasyon-an ou ban mwen-an pou fè kontwibusyon mwen-an pou dévlopé bèl Helen nou-an. Vini li twantenyen désanm lanné sala, mwen kay di “Adwé”
Mwen ka swété tout péyi-a lapé, épi labénédiksyon di Dyé pou sé tan-an ki ka vini-an. Mwen ka pwan lokasyon sala osi pou swété’w “Jwayé Nwèl” épi “Labonn Lanné”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you most sincerely.