
Evangelicals Fair In Dennery

THE Dennery Evangelical Church will, on Wednesday, host their annual Independence Day fair from 9:00 a.m. at the church grounds, at Bypass Road, Dennery.

Patrons are in for a day of prayer, praise, worship, local cuisine (breakfast and lunch) and local snacks and drinks. There will be a mini concert commencing from 11:30a.m. featuring the likes of Shem Meluce, Andy Alexander, Vessels of Honor Dancers, Les Dancier Folklore Jen Dennery and more.

A fashion show featuring De Klozeline designer Lisa Barton-Volney, and exhibition are also part of the day’s events. There will be lots of fun and games throughout the day including a bouncy castle.

In keeping with this year’s Independence Day theme, “I am St Lucia”, patrons are invited to enter the designated prayer corner and intercede throughout the day for the restoration of national pride, unity, peace and righteousness of this nation.

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