TODAY’S FITC is a real inspiration to men and especially women (like myself) who struggle daily with weight issues.
When you live in not just a society, but a world that sees fat as gross, unhealthy and unattractive (to name a few descriptions thrown around) or that fat people are lazy, greedy, self-loathing bums who are overweight on purpose, it is a breath of fresh air when an individual is able to stand up and show the world just how wrong they are.

For many, Jenna-Anne Gaston is a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) and a WCE (Woman Crush Everyday) and she has all the rights to carry those titles as even though the mother of one stands at 5 ft.1, she is beautifully plus sized and not ashamed of it.
Gaston who has lived a very exciting life from travelling and living abroad to indulging in her creative passion namely music, has ticked many of her boxes of to-dos in life including achieving one of her biggest accomplishments which was singing back up Soca music for Soca King Machel Montano for three years in a row. She also toured with Antigua’s Burning Flames for one year before the band broke up.
But with all that said and done, her full and happy life has been tested on numerous occasions as she has had to battle through incessant discrimination simply because of her waist size.
It is a fight that many have had to endure for years gone by and it is one that is still going strong today. But here is what my FITC had to say about how she deals with it all.
The VOICE: We’re talking about your voluptuous figure today, what is it like on a daily basis being a plus sized woman in St. Lucia?
Jenna-Anne: Extremely difficult. It’s hard being plus sized in the media because media managers still believe that only slim women should be on television. Sex sells, they say, as if fat woman don’t have sex (Laughs). I can’t wear the skimpy clothes like they do. But it should be about personality. I have to wear darker colours and ask for tighter shots and frames because I’m hiding the belly. I’m trying to basically find a common ground where it’s accepted. Let’s get one thing straight I love being full and curvy and I’m proud of my size. I’m not unhealthy either.
The VOICE: Were you always in that weight bracket?
Jenna-Anne: In my teens I was slim. I always had some nice legs and “bam bam” but for the greater part of my adult life, yes, my weight went up and down. I’ve tried every diet, every get slim fix, exercise and I still struggle every day
The VOICE: What is the worse form of discrimination that you’ve faced for your figure?
Jenna-Anne: It would have to be that I always wanted to become a singer and one producer said yes, you’ve got the looks, you’ve got the voice, but you don’t have the size and so I don’t think we can work with you.
The VOICE: Wow! But even with all of that, the negativity seems to be water off a duck’s back because you don’t seem phased at all…is it all just a mask or are you truly immune to the negativity?
Jenna-Anne: I’ve become immune to negativity. I will go after whatever I want because I don’t see what they see. I see a beautiful intelligent young lady ready to take over the world, fullfigured or not. I’m the girl who looks at the glass always half full
The VOICE: What do you see when you look in the mirror every day?
Jenna-Anne: (laughs) My first reaction is to how tired I look.But then I see a single mother trying to make a positive change in her life to inspire my daughter.
The VOICE: As you’ve mentioned your daughter, what kind of message or example would you like to send to her so that in her future, thick or slim, she can feel comfortable in her skin?
Jenna-Anne: It doesn’t matter if you are thick or slim. What really matters is your heart and who you are as a person. Personality over shines everything and once you live your every day life meaningfully and with a purpose, you won’t even know what weight you are. Surround yourself with people who are like-minded and enjoy that hamburger or chicken wings…there are people out there who can’t have one. (Laughs)
The VOICE: Do you think that this is a positive message to send out to anyone? Doctors and physicians always link being overweight to being unhealthy…some might say that you are not being a good example particularly to young girls, what do you have to say about that?
Jenna-Anne: I don’t think I am. Everything must be done in moderation. That includes the foods we eat and the drinks we consume. Healthy lifestyle is about being aware of what you fuel your body with. There’s nothing wrong with a slice of pizza or a cheese burger but it must all be done in moderation. I have this argument all the time based on the doctor charts. I’m overweight but I’m also 5ft 1in. so a girl with my hips and butt will be considered over weight but am I unhealthy? Absolutely not! I think the key word here is moderation.
The VOICE: Now you are well known for wearing whatever makes you feel happy and even though you keep it classy and tasteful, you are not shy about showing skin (flawless skin might I just add), from where do you get that kind of confidence?
Jenna-Anne: I owe this one to my circle of friends, which by the way, I have sexy friends, but we always ensure that we all are looking good and encourage each other…my girls are my back bone. I’d like to add that thick girls are being frowned upon but by whom exactly? Because the amount of men out there who like this fullness, I’m not sure who has the issue anymore.
The VOICE: With that said, on the flip side of things, men in St. Lucia and the Caribbean in general really do show genuine attraction and love…in some cases preference for plus sized women. How do you deal with the inundated male attention that you undoubtedly receive?
Jenna-Anne: (bursts into laughter) That’s a funny question. I’m appreciative of the compliments.
The VOICE: That famous or to some, infamous term “Roly Poly”…what’s your take on it?
Jenna-Anne: I hated that term to be honest. Because I’m rolling everywhere…NOT!
I strut and I do it on six inch heels just like the slim thangs.
The VOICE: All jokes aside, what message would you like to send out to our thick sisters out there who are not comfortable in their skin or like you, face discrimination wherever they go?
Jenna-anne: I want them to find a happy place, talk to someone and surround yourself with positive people, treat yourself good, dress up in whatever fits you and tell yourself today it’s not about my size but who I am as a person. It’s important for a woman to treat her own self…go get a pedi or a mani, make yourself feel beautiful because everyone is.
The VOICE: Finally, to those bullies out there who take pleasure in poking fun at heavier people or those who simply find the notion of plus sized to be insulting and repulsive, let em have it…
Jenna-Anne: A few extra pounds shouldn’t intimidate them and it’s probably because most of them are fighting with their own insecurities and trying to find their place in society. But what doesn’t break us makes us stronger so we thank them for pushing us and making us better while they remain in their slum…empty barrels make the most noise.
Very inspirational piece however I disagree with what ms gaston said in regards to what is ok to eat . No it’s not ok to eat pizza KFC , processed foods etc. these thing have no nutritional value . Some people are overweight because they have eating disorders, refuse to eat healthy , and are just plain lazy …. They make all sorts of excuses for not trying to be healthy . Ms gaston is indeed a good looking woman however her attire at times is very in appropriate for a woman with all that size .
I am just amazed that some people have the time to makko what strangers are eating and how often. It seems Jenna has more of a life than they do!
As for her wearing clothes that some of you find inappropriate for her size, these things are subjective; if you do not like how she looks in them, feel free to avert your gaze. I’ve seen pictures of her at many public events and always marvel at how beautifully she adapts current fashions to suit her shape.
Studies have shown that constantly calling people (especially children) “fat” and pressuring them about their weight is counterproductive. They feel hopeless about losing weight and eat even more. None of the haters here have her best interests at heart, they are just jealous that she is not sitting in a corner like they feel fat people should do, she is out there, front and centre, living a full and happy life. You gwan Jenna, with your fab self!!!
The key word here is moderation. I guess you’ve never had a soda or a slice of pizza. Further, many women have difficulty losing weight and also gain weight rapidly because of hormonal imbalances. Maybe we should be a bit less judgmental and more supportive of our women. Wonderful piece Ms. gaston. You are beautiful and stunning!!!
Hi Lana , of course I have had a fast food processed pizza ,fried chicken etc . However as I said , they have no nutritional value … And when they are eaten in moderation one is suppose to be eating well balanced meals majority of the time and exercise at least 5 days a week. And even more so for the women who have hormonal issues … Women need to Stop blaming hormonal issues for bad eating choices and lifestyles …
Seriously though, why do you care enough to point out something that she remains unbothered by ? What exactly is inappropriate for her size? People with the mindset and attitude you are expressing are the very reason why young women are growing up ridiculously insecure about themselves, thanks to the retarded standards of self love expected.
Does her jiggle bother you?
If she remains comfortable enough in her skin to show the rolls in her back does that some how detract from your beauty?
Are you afraid to fall into the craters of her cellulite if she embraces you in a hug?
I’m curious as to how exactly this woman expressing that she loves her self as is, and does as she pleases with her frame puts you in such a state of judgement. Who made you the laziness police?
Succinctly put – why do you give a s#!t?
Fat, thin, in between- the world is full of lazy people. In the same way, there are fat people who can probably run circles around you. C’est la vie. If you want to life self consciously, worrying about the perception of others on what is appropriate for you to wear, bravo. Others place importance on personal comfort and self confidence. If you don’t want your pizza slice, someone else will have it.
Life goes on. Jenna will remain just as fabulously juicy as she is, along with all the other fat people living meaningful lives while you occupy your time attempting to judge.
Nibble on that cupcake for a minute.
well said soulbirdami. lets be our own judge of what goes into our mouths and how we feel about our resultant bodies. if the woman is fine with how she looks and what she eats then what are you concerned about?
Please keep quiet Nadia who are you to judge people of full size you should encourage and not break down someone. Whether or not someone is full or slim you love them for who they are and not what they are she is confident in her skin and i am pretty sure God loves her no matter what size she is, so then you go do all your exercise and diet to make your self happy while she is happy.
Seriously though, why do you care enough to point out something that she remains unbothered by ? What exactly is inappropriate for her size? People with the mindset and attitude you are expressing are the very reason why young women are growing up ridiculously insecure about themselves, thanks to the retarded standards of self love expected.
Does her jiggle bother you?
If she remains comfortable enough in her skin to show the rolls in her back does that some how detract from your beauty?
Are you afraid to fall into the craters of her cellulite if she embraces you in a hug?
I’m curious as to how exactly this woman expressing that she loves her self as is, and does as she pleases with her frame puts you in such a state of judgement. Who made you the laziness police?
Succinctly put – why do you give a s#!t?
Fat, thin, in between- the world is full of lazy people. In the same way, there are fat people who can probably run circles around you. C’est la vie. If you want to life self consciously, worrying about the perception of others on what is appropriate for you to wear, bravo. Others place importance on personal comfort and self confidence. If you don’t want your pizza slice, someone else will have it.
Life goes on. Jenna will remain just as fabulously juicy as she is, along with all the other fat people living meaningful lives while you occupy your time attempting to judge.
Nibble on that cupcake for a minute.
@nats… pardon le misdiredted post.
Jenna I think you are amazing as a woman single mom friend and family. You work the long hours and I see you at work from 8-8 most days. I commend you for your focus and drive. I also forgive you after a long exhausting day to pick up some fast food. We are all at different stages in our life and if your stage is busy single mom with little time for herself we as women understand when your journey allows you and if want you can make different choices to how your outside may look but your inside will still be that strong and determined woman who is doing her best till she knows better.
And to you Nadia,
This is not a health article this is an article on being bigger and beautiful. Stay something positive to uplift this woman and move on. How dare u say what she wears is queational. I’m sure she will see you and question your style.
If you have more to say go write ur skinny and fabulous article and GTFO with ur negativity. She knows her life and body and what she needs to work on. Just give her the peanut for getting kudos for being a beautiful woman inside and out.
Wow …. Latoya what made you soo angry… If you offended by my last comment on her attire that’s on you . I make no apologies for someone who wears clothing that do not suit their body type especially if you are in the public eye… Wearing clothing that is too short and 3 sizes smaller than your actual size is just not appropriate .
It seems some of us just don’t know how to take criticism …instead we respond in ”
Catty” manners .
Awww boo hoo nats…. You want a blanky to suck on??? You women need to stop being on the defense …. I said absolutely nothing wrong . I stated the facts and I guess the truth hit home for you all. Relax baby girl
I agree with Nadia. You didn’t say anything insulting towards Jenna. Simply saying wear clothing that suits her body type. I’m a BBW and I don’t like wearing anything tight on me because that’s my comfort zone. At the end of the day if she feels comfortable wearing clothes that are 3 sizes too small then that’s on her. All women at some point in life go through changes. We either accept it or change it. She chooses to accept it and that is a confident move. Kudos to Jenna. As for Nadia don’t let anyone deter you from expressing yourself.
Why thanks Jessica! And you go on with your BBW self !!!
You’re welcome Nadia. Thank you ?
You all to damb right lazy..talkin bout healthy.. how often she excercise..drinking alcohol.. eating fast food every night..i no and see her almost everynight..chpz tan
My girl you pretty in truth but awah pal you need to do something with your body …
Young girl like you and you carrying that kind of gut and your backside just largeh in those short pants looking like a panty on you . My girl you not healthy .
Hear them, Hear them…say it to her face! You people are just gutless swine! I don’t know this woman and I’m a megzorah but I respect the woman and her choices. Not all big ppl are big coz of food or lack of exercise so it’s good to see her uplifting these people who feel victimised by people like you! I’m sure the way some of you razor tongues dress are less than tasteful or desirable at the best of times kmt
Shut up with the nonsense you saying deh Rob! What Jason said Is a fact …. She eats bad a lot and definitely does not exercise …… She is big and beautiful but that does not mean she healthy pal … And for the piece of clothes she wearing sometimes it’s just not called for …
So y’all trying to justify bullying? You mean to say that there was NO better way of expressing your opinion about her choice of clothes and lifestyle? A drunk is never a drunk to a drunk and a crackhead is never a crackhead to a crackhead so I guess the same applies for tactless bullies who feel the need to tear people down and point out their flaws instead of fixing their own dirty business…why don’t y’all go reinforce y’all closet doors coz I can only imagine the amount of skeletons that are ready to burst out and expose you all as imperfect people too smfh…You shut up with your nastiness and gtfoh
Honestly. The issue I have with this article is the fact that Rochelle maybe didn’t have anybody to write on. Jenna is a newly plus size individual. She was not big all her life. Had to struggle with weight all her life. This is new and she is claimed to fame because of what? She’s very pretty? What substance does Jenna really have? What has she achieved besides partying and singing and travelling? Can a 12 year Ole struggling with her weight really look up to her.
There are lots of other plus size women who’ve done a lot and over come a lot. I really don’t think being pretty and big ALONE should be praised and this is the basis of the article. And that’s all I’m getting from it. .
Rob you are are clueless prick . Jason and I not tearing the girl down ..Jason Is on point and I agree .She eh healthy and you need to keep it moving with your senseless a squared ……… Stella you making good sense there my girl
*Sniff sniff* *sniff sniff* *sniff* I smell black crab syndrome!!! Some people can just never be positive about their own people! Some people are just professional at sniffing out positivity and injecting it with their venom…it’s a damn shame!
Oh put a sock in it Rob!!! You are the one trolling. If Jason says he knows her and sees her lifestyle and therefore she can not state that she is healthy what is wrong with that??
Although Nikki may have come off strong about her attire at times who are you to judge ; it’s her opinion . And Stella has a valid point …. So I suggest you stop the trolling and comment like a civil individual as you are the one looking quite childish and ignorant in this forum .
Pointing out the obvious that what you youngsters call trolling these days? Hmmmm interesting, no wonder you all feel so entitled to be horrible human beings. It’s ok tho, there’s hope for you yet because at least you partially admitted that SOME of the words SPEWED were venomous and unnecessary.
I came to read this article over feeling proud of all the people that i was ale to inspire with my words of inspiration only to find bullying and negativity and some who believe they know me. everyone is entitled to their opinion and i respect that. what i wear is my choice and am happy with it and am happy with myself. that is the message i tried to carry across, being happy with who you are, not encouraging person to settle but to learn to love themselves through out the process. and when one has accomplished such then whether my pants look like panties, or you believe am just a pretty face with no claim to fame truly is of no bother to me.
i do ask those who say they know me given that fact that i know nothing of your existence to stop pretending that you do……. cause you DON’T. you know nothing of me or who i am as a person or what i do. you may hear things , see things or even sometimes be privy to things but that doesnt make you no anyone .
success and claim to fame can be measured on individuals personal scale, what i may believe as success may not be the same for everyone , so if one believes i have not accomplished much in my life based on a 1 spread article , that too is your opinion .
i am still in my youngish years and i do have excess weight, i do love shorts (its very hot in saint lucia) but am also strong , driven and i believe i have a good heart. so lets not fight over an article that was only intended to encourage women to be more comfortable with themselves while going thru the struggle . sometimes its not what we say but how we go about saying it.
for those i was able to inspire whether big or small (no pun intended) .. THANK YOU
Jenna, you being fat is nothing to be proud of and encouraging others to eat unhealthy foods is nothing to be proud of either. You’re a mother. Get off your ass and work out. Eat healthy and be a role model to your daughter by embracing a healthy lifestyle. You were never fat all your life. You were once a healthy size for your BMI. You chose to get fat and eat crap. You made those choices and you continue to make bad food choices daily. You can’t possibly be happy being over weight. No one is. I am not saying be stick thin but seeing you out of breath in many locations or stuffing your face with a fried chicken leg or pizza or ice cream is just downright wrong and you know it. Make a better lifestyle choice. You think if you carry on with the bad eating habits you will remain the size you are, you will get FATTER. Borderline obese and then you will choose to make a change. make the change now. No one here hit with you negativity. Just pointing out the obvious. As for the outfits, no comments…
The ones who are on here cheering on your weight, do not really care about you. If your friends really are your backbone, when you are out with them they will encourage you to make better eating choices. They will encourage you to work out and be healthy. We all want to eat that cheeseburger but we don’t eat it every single night. And if we do, we go to the gym and we burn it out. And if you can’t afford the gym, go walking or running. There is a difference between plus size and over weight. You are over weight. You are not plus sized. Who is feeding you this nonsense? The people on here who mentioned your eating and saying make better choices are the ones who are really concerned about you. Stop making excuses for your weight. There is nothing to embrace about fat. You don’t have to be a size 0 but definitely not a size 20. I would also like to meet the doctor who told you were healthy so he or she can have their medical license revoked. There are soo many issues with being over weight – diabetes, hypertension, stroke, sleep apnea, heart disease, orsteaoarthritis and the list goes on. Stop eating processed foods and saturated fats. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for your daughter. She deserves the best of you at your best. If you eat crap then she eats crap. I am sure when you eat KFC, she isn’t eating a carrot stick and watching you in the eye. You buy her a kids meal. MAKE BETTER CHOICES. CHOOSE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Stop with the ass excuses. It’s a stupid thing for a seemingly educated girl like you to say…
Honestly Kayla Lee, I like your comments and I share the same sentiments as you. We need to stop sugar coating everything, furthermore, if we are not Frank with the ones we care for it causes them to become comfortable with what they should not be.
St. Lucians need to wake up, and look at their plates… While everyone is entitled to their food preferences, we all need to educate ourselves about DIET and LIFESTYLE. By now we should be aware of the diseases which are killing our people. If it’s not pork, it’s chicken or beef… Eggs or corn beef, luncheon meat or hotdogs… All of which contribute to CHOLESTEROL….
So while she is up there praising and accepting her size, I hope she embraces what is inline with her love of size…
Eat more plant based foods St. Lucia and incorporate exercise in our lifestyle!
I do not condone bullying, and commenting excessively on someones weight -whether big or small- is in the same bracket for me as racism… Its discrimination! I know of jenna but only to say hello, she is always a sweetheart and is doing what most of us should, embracing what she has and holding her head high. She is using it to encourage and support others, if you dont wish to take it as that, click to the next article. Theres no requirement to comment, she didnt do the interview to ask your opinion, this is not a debate forum. If you dont like her wardrobe i have great news-noone making u wear it OR even look, instead keep looking at your seemingly perfect self,. I sure hope youre flaw free to be commenting on others. While jenna is out balancing her social life, child and career though bear in mind youre hiding behimd a screen incessently commentint on her- id say you need to be obsessed or at the very least mesmerized with her to keep checking back and responding nadia sweetie. Xxx
THANK YOU!!! They say I’m trolling but the truth is always a bitter pill to swallow and some people are just to stubborn or plain ignorant to see and admit that! Like I said earlier…say it to her face instead of on here because whilst to you I may seem childish, You people are coming across as tactless bullies….ask me which one I’d rather be!!!
Haha noW they trying on me- i was here defending the bullying and explaining i dont need to be her friend nor a stranger for my point to be valid but here they are asking me take a seat hahahaha. I gone, my opinion been put out there which ive had confirmed by the forum queen nj is free for me to do. what the females here choose to do with that is a reflection on them not me- i cant call them ladies sadly, theyre nothing of the definition to be so poisonous against another one trying to do good. Have a great weekend rob x
Like I said, a drunk is never a drunk to a drunk……. these people will just get more and more nasty to defend their bully tactics and call it their rights to express their opinion rather than just reword their initial comments in a nicer fashion…it’s shameful really! You too have a pleasant evening and a great long weekend ?
But what y’all on the person case for …. To me she eh insult y’all nor she insult the woman in article . You write a whole composition about bullying and you doings he same thing. You people just too hypocrite or ignorant of how to communicate.look at the negative comments you and that Rob person make . For what ? Choops
Clearly you haven’t read all the comments…you want to call US the bullies for calling these people out over their harsh words? Wow! And you say you didn’t see insults??? Here are two of a few “My girl you pretty in truth but awah pal you need to do something with your body …
Young girl like you and you carrying that kind of gut and your backside just largeh in those short pants looking like a panty on you . My girl you not healthy .” and ” You all to damb right lazy..talkin bout healthy.. how often she excercise..drinking alcohol.. eating fast food every night..i no and see her almost everynight..chpz tan”… If that’s not insulting then Sheri dear, I don’t know what is to you
Charlotte you don’t know her but she is always a sweetheart …. Come on I get it .. You guys don’t need to be so defensive for your friend. It is quite clear that people just can’t communicate in civilized manner without the cat talk . Last time I checked this is a public forum where people can comment, discuss and agree to disagree .
BTW, She is not my friend. I’ve never met her and the only places I’ve ever seen her was on tv so I know nothing about her and her lifestyle. My gripe here is the fact that she was unfairly torn into and So I jumped to her defence like I would do for anybody else…we’re all human and it pains me to see people being horrible to others. Whilst everyone is indeed entitled to their opinion, surely we could practice respect for one another and choose our words carefully…even when criticising without hurting anyone’s feelings SMH
Did u read my comment nadia or just get yourself geared up for your next passive-agressive comment. I said i know her to say hi. If you have any sort of social skills (which based on this forum is looking doubtful) you will know that i know her to say “hi” means hi how are u… Small talk- at those times she has indeed been a sweetheart enquiring about my family and child. If i was her friend id say so as my comment was regarding bullying and the fact you seem fairly infatuated with her given the amount of times youve checked back and responded. Neither point would be any less valid as her friend or a stranger. You are a very aggressive person and need to chill out babes x toodles
Take a seat Charlotte cause you are truly blowing this out of proportion.Which obviously confirms my previous statements .
This is truly a lovely article on self love!! I reading the comments and realising that the first person was rational in their comments but somehow they are being bullied. For what? I eh see anything wrong with what was written . To me that charlotte person out of place …where she get that the person is rude and obsessed . Lol aye aye!
Rob two wrongs don’t make it write . You should have commented different plus I was more referring to the Nadia person . Her very first comment was not negative and somehow people just attacking her all over especially charlotte. That made her look like a troll . Have a good Sunday.
Wow this causing all this. Rob & charlotte pulling people up on their bullying to begin, but they def not being malicious from what i see. Charlottes first comment i support-noone making u look at jenna nor comment such negativity- this article was intended to have a positive impact- why even comment. Nadia u seem to have a real issue with her tho for tru, jenna musta upset u someplace down the line as u do sound very bitter and further u getting into it with anyone disagreeing with u. You seem to have got a good look of jennas skimpy clothes up close to be this affected by it? Sheri well u just seem like someone who loves drama, i imagine u to comment on photos of celebrities and argue with people about it.
Happy sunday
Aye aye hold brakes pal… I just saying she eh insult nobody and there was no reason for all of that …. Ride off
*right. Typo lol aye aye
Stop all the plus size bickering. If it is not a medical condition that ails a plus sized person, then they can all lose weight bar none! The solution is not a secret but it is a difficult one. If you really do want to lose weight, you must keep your metabolism in a constant state of “calorie deficit”. Consume moderate food portions and exercise regularly. Unforunately it takes a long time but it is well worth it.”now push away from the dinner table, git out the door and go for a trail run!” NUFF SAID!!!!
Well said Trainer Joe. I totally agree.
You people have lost the whole concept of this article. I believe the message this young lady is trying to bring across is to love yourself regardless of your size color or shape. Just for women to simply love themselves.. All of this name calling and accusations on the lady’s character just goes to show the level of ignorance we still have in this country. It takes courage to speak about sore topics and to have such a backlash is a perfect example why our men and women are taking their lives. Society can be so wicked.
The dialogue on here is so disheartening. Those who tried to paint a picture of “positive criticism” – the conversation washed that paint away and showed the sad.
Continue loving yourself despite your struggles darling…you will find that balance. I feel your struggle, geesh.
i love this story Jenna!!! i’m another “single mother trying to make a positive change to inspire my daughter!” and this story just gave me the push and confidence to continue on in that vein! i definitely struggle with weight issues, even though some may consider it ‘a few lbs’ but its all about how YOU see yourself. very often i see myself as FAT. but you know what, you are correct. and i definitely dont want my daughter to be obsessing over her weight as shes growing up the way i did. i want her to feel beautiful no matter what. thanks for the positive words of advice. you are definitely an inspiration to me! bless.