FOLLOWING their historic debut with their two swimmers making it into the national swim team to participate in this year’s Organization Of Eastern Caribbean States Swimming Championship in Antigua and Barbuda next month, Sports Academy St.Lucia is on the move again.
Last week Friday, the Academy introduced the sport of golf to a number of students attending the Balata Primary School.
Sue Dyson, Public Relations / Board of Trustee for Sports Academy St. Lucia who was also present at Cap Estate spoke to the VOICE about the new initiative. She said: “Sports Academy has been working with the Balata Primary School with an after school sporting programme with sporting events like karate, tennis, and today we decided to bring them to the golf course to get a first hand look at the sport of golf and what it entails.
VOICE: Why the sport of golf?
Dyson: You would find a number of children don’t know some of what we consider to be elite sports such as swimming, tennis, golf. These are not sports that have grass roots programmes. These are sports that are usually quite costly and only those who can afford them participate. The purpose of Sports Academy St. Lucia is to drive people, not just children; as much as we primarily concentrate on the children. We allow people to attend all sports whatever it maybe”.
VOICE: What’s the age category present here today?
Dyson: It’s from Grade K to Grade 6.
VOICE: You would have been in a better position re the feedback coming from the various participants. What were the positives you heard?
Dyson: To be honest, there was a lot of push back from some of the parents and some of the teachers. They didn’t understand. They thought the children wouldn’t like it, but coming today the children were thrilled. They were excited. You heard children saying. Miss, I just didn’t do well today. I wanted to hold the club, I want to come back to do it again so I can do better. They got a chance to participate and learn what golf is all about”.

VOICE: Is this a one off initiative set up, or will it continue into the New Year and beyond”
Dyson: This will turn into an after school golf programme. For the rest of this school year we will put together specific dates and times for the children who want to participate and then it’s in the works as to whether we are going to use it next year as a school curricula activities or whether to have it a s an after school programme”.
VOICE: Like cricket you have catching, fielding, bowling and batting. What were some of the basic fundamentals the children went through with Pro Golfer Peter David?
Dyson: Basically, they went through the two main positions, putting and driving. They also went through the driving range compared to a putting range; the children have to learn the course as well as you have different holes along the way”.
VOICE: You’re blessed with one of the leading Pro Golfers, what was his feedback following the mid morning session?
Dyson: Peter was quite excited to see the exists and the enthusiasm of children.
VOICE: What’s next for the Sports Academy St. Lucia programme?
Dyson: Well, come November 1, we will be having a Karaoke at Keebies in Rodney Bay from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m; to raise funds for our two swimmers who made it onto the national team for the OECS swimming championships in Antigua next month, as you know the athletes have to meet some of the expenses.