DR. Joseph Edsel Edmunds of St Lucia has been appointed Director of the Agricultural Sector Relations of the Caribbean Agricultural Network (CAN) based in the United States by the President of the Network, prominent Dominican lawyer and Caribbean development advocate, Gabriel Christian.
The appointment letter states that “This position grants you the mandate to do all things reasonable and necessary to link our organization to government and non-government entities for the purpose of promoting Caribbean agriculture. We believe that your stature and experience can go a long way in advancing our regional interest and that of our affiliates in Africa, the Americas, and further a field”
Dr, Edmunds has served as a consultant to various international agencies in the South Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and is a world renowned nematologist. The nematode Longidorusedmunsi was named in his honour by a British nematologist in recognition of this contributions to this field of science. He is a former Senior Research Fellow of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine campus, former Director of Research and Development of the Windward Islands Banana Industry and former St. Lucia Ambassador to the UN., the U.S. an the OAS.