THE Cul e Sac Daycare Centre opened with a fresh new look just in time for the new school year thanks to the staff of First Citizens Investment Services.
Built over 15 years ago, the centre provides early childhood education to the children of the residents of the large Cul de Sac community and surrounding areas. The First Citizens Saint Lucia team visited the daycare centre recently and decided to assist with some of its immediate needs.
The entire team took a weekend to help make the centre a happier place by giving the inside fresh coats of bright paint. An added feature of the new look is a colourful mural wall identifying different types of flowers. In order to assist the learning institution further the First Citizens team also sourced donations of gently-used items for the centre and raised funds to purchase additional chairs to enable the school to accommodate more children.
At a short handover daycare supervisor Ms. Marina Duplessis, thanked First Citizens for the assistance and noted that students were elated when they saw the vibrant colours of their school.
First Citizens is very appreciative of the support from our corporate partners such as Carasco& Son Limited for providing the paint and some supplies for this initiative. Other partners who provided assistance with fundraising efforts included Windward and Leeward Brewery (WLBL), Renwick and Company, St Lucia Distillers Group of Companies, IGY Rodney Bay Marina and M.C.E. Sounds. First Citizens is also grateful to customers who contributed to the cause and helped to make the Cul de Sac Daycare Centre a happier place with happier children.