REGINA D. Posvar LPN,RNA, is a Dementia Consultant and Founder and CEO of Angels of the West Indies in 2013.
REGINA was born and raised in Los Angeles, California USA where she began her nursing career specializing in Psychiatric Behaviour and Mental Health.
In 2000 she and her family moved to the state of Oregon where she grew more focused on the elderly population in the area of Alzheimer’s and other Dementias, and has been ever since. Her husband, Randy had moved to St. Lucia working in the tourism industry in 2011, while Regina remained in Oregon to complete her contract as Director of a Memory Care Unit of whose development she was a part and start up of a 21 bed facility.
Regina’s compassion for an Alzheimer’s friendly environment with support for families and care staff, had made the unit a unique success for two years. She arrived to St Lucia to join her husband in August of 2013 where she is pro-actively bringing Alzheimer’s Awareness to individual families and to the public.
In April of 2013 Regina was recruited to join International Caregivers association (ICA) as Team Rep for West Indies. Her passions are in the main areas of:
~ Family caregiving
~ Activities of Daily Living
~ Education on modern and holistic views of preventive treatments.
Her vision is to see a world with no Dementia, but while science is searching for a cure, a vision of a Dementia Friendly World that will be a support for people with Dementia and the Family Caregivers that care for them.
The goal is to team up with St. Lucians to bring awareness and decrease the negative stigma attached. Regina’s weekly column begins in THE VIOICE on Thursday. Her articles will deal with:
• Knowing the 10 Warning signs
• Lowering our risks and teaching the youth (prevention)
• Learning the Alzheimer’s language for positive approach
She looks forward to hearing your questions or comments.