
Productive Practice – Respecting Societal Rules

A productive citizen can wear many hats from tutor to volunteer to good neighbour.
A productive citizen can wear many hats from tutor to volunteer to good neighbour.

AS we enter into a New Year discussions should centre on the collective action of citizens to raise productivity for meaningful impact. Within the NCPC article ‘Productivity and Patriotism’, it was pointed out that when citizens care about the good of society, they are encouraged to perform at their best thereby contributing to the welfare of their organisation, community and country at large. It requires that individuals contribute to the well-being of their community through greater commitment and dedication. The piece went on to discuss the many ways that this can be done, one such productive practice is to obey the laws of the land.

It is important for everyone to follow rules and obey laws. Laws create fairness and protect the health and safety of all individuals in society. They protect the freedom and democracy of the people of a nation; therefore it is the responsibility of citizens to obey the law. People who do not obey the law, in most cases, do so at the risk of harming themselves and others. A responsible citizen would be someone intent on upholding the freedom and the democracy of everyone in the state.

It is important that adults educate the youth and guide them in becoming good citizens. More importantly, the home is the first place where a child learns about being productive and responsible. The way in which a family interacts amongst themselves is the reflection of the way in which members of society interact, however on a smaller scale. Respect and courtesy are important building blocks as it provides the foundation for cooperation in society. Rules are set by the adults in the family unit to ensure that the children stay healthy and safe. Being a responsible family member means knowing and following the family’s rules. It means helping parents or care-givers and cooperating with brothers and sisters. Family members should be honest and fair to each other. They should also work together whilst respecting each member of the family as an individual.

When children are taught these ideals, they grow and develop into adulthood not departing from these values. As a result, these values will follow them into the various segments of their lives beginning with their educational journey. Classrooms and schools have rules to keep students and staff members safe and healthy. They help to make it easier for everyone to learn in a pleasant setting. It is important for every student to follow school and classroom rules and not upset other students by interfering with their learning. It is the responsibility of all students to attend school and try their best to learn.

A responsible citizen should aim to be the very best that he or she can be. Being a responsible productive individual also calls for each of us to make decisions about what is right and what is wrong and then choosing to do and say the right thing. It will mean respecting the rights of others and listening to their ideas. When individual differences are accepted, we learn that everybody has something to offer. In everyday life, we should accept that sometimes respect means making compromises and not always pushing to get our own way or winning an argument. It is important to recognise that such sacrifices can result in doing what is best for the majority.

A productive citizen is a person who is willing to work with the other members of society to build a better nation that will grow and prosper. Rules are often enforced so that as the body works together, all are protected and kept safe. To accept the ideal of productivity and to strive towards obtaining higher levels, one must also be willing to accept that rules must be followed so that there is a collective respect and courtesy for all.

(For further ideas on how to be a productive citizen contact the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council on the Second Floor of the Financial Centre, Bridge St at 468 5576. You can also visit the Council’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/stluciancpc or email them at stluciancpc@gmail.com).

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