It is now approaching six months since the SLP assumed office and unfortunately, the signs of a lackluster administration have emerged. Before embarking on the areas which have concerned many St Lucians, we shall attempt to focus on the reason why leaders are born and not created. The cardinal sin of the current administration has been the vacillations of the Prime Minister when addressing hard issues like expunging the law of Covid offenders for political expediency.
Through no fault of the Prime Minister, he inherited a former MP from the Kenny Anthony administration with international baggage but unlike a forceful leader who needed to address the reality of those issues, he compromised himself by way of timidity and inexperience. We are not prepared to delve into the causes which warranted deep concern as those matters have been well documented via the media and other avenues. The concern of many St Lucians today surrounds Mr Pierre’s decision to enter a courtroom to ensure justice and now appointing a minister as Deputy PM knowing full well that no such position resides within the constitution of the state. Further, the examples highlighted of some three deputy Prime Ministers hold no significant legitimacy as no such position exists within the nation’s constitution.
The feeling on the ground appears to be that our PM is doing all he can to uplift and ingratiate a particular MP for reasons the public have not been able to decipher. Appeasement in managing the affairs of government is not an option, issues must be addressed head on if not those problems can return to haunt you at a later date. Dr Anthony during his term in office faced an untenable situation with Walter Francois and he bit the bullet by demanding Francois’s resignation. We have a minister today embroiled in a matter requiring in depth scrutiny, instead we see a Prime Minister going above and beyond his call of duty to exonerate and decorate the individual.
From another standpoint, the current PM is saddled with two intruders within his cabinet who have their own agendas blatantly squandering the nation’s resources by delaying a fundamental and critical road project which has brought grief to commuters within the busiest part of the island as recently highlighted by the minibus hierarchy on television.
An exercise which could have been investigated while the contractors could have at least been permitted to address the work on the verges. Presently, millions of dollars have gone down the drain as the elements take their toll. The well advanced Choc Development with one hundred and fifty house spots all earmarked for sale remain degraded also by the elements. In the process, over one thousand workers and some fifty heavy equipment owners and operators find themselves on the breadline. When this behaviour takes place, what appetite is there for international agencies to make the necessary funding available to fair Helen? The buck stops with our PM who has not expressed the gumption to avoid those horrible errors.