The results of two thousand one hundred and eighty-three (2183) candidates were processed for the 2020 Common Entrance Examination. Of these, one thousand and fifty–two (1052) were male and one thousand one hundred and thirty–one (1131) were female. Fifty–two (52) candidates were provided with accommodations including large print, reader, scribe, reader-scribe and attendant. Fifteen (15) candidates were absent.
The Common Entrance Examination this year comprised only of the Multiple Choice components. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the Ministry of Education to take a bold decision to eliminate the subjective components of the examination. By doing so, the number of time candidates spent in the examination room decreased.
For this year’s examination, the composite scores ranged from 17.22% to 98.22%. The national mean was 64.26% representing an increase of 4.17% when compared to the 2019 national mean of 60.09%. One thousand one hundred and ninety– two (1192) or 55% of the candidates scored at or above the national mean, while nine hundred and ninety–one (991) or 45% scored below the mean. Two thousand one hundred and seventy-three (2173) candidates were assigned to twenty-one secondary schools.