PRESS RELEASE – DESPITE the pervasiveness of technology and the influx of smart devices, it cannot be denied that literacy remains the foundation of every child’s life journey. Recognising this fact and the importance of reading, the Ministry of Education pauses in May of every year to place particular emphasis on reading. This was done this year, through the promotion of the theme, “Collaborating to Close the Literacy Gap. Read for Change.”
Cognizant of the importance of the consumer’s ability to read labels and warnings before making a purchase; to read contracts before signing any agreement as well as the national commitment to creating a literate Saint Lucia, the Consumer Affairs Division (CAD)has joined forces with the Ministry of Education to ensure that the theme for reading month this year is realised.
Through the booklet, “The Little Consumer,” written by Merlicia Williams-Davy, Information Officer at the Consumer Affairs Division, the Division has been visiting various schools around the island to encourage a passion for reading and to empower students in matters pertaining to consumer affairs.
The booklet is a twelve page, visually engaging narrative that explains the rights and responsibilities of the consumer. The booklet places particular emphasis on reading labels, checking the expiry date and promoting the importance of a receipt after purchase.
The booklet also stresses the importance of consumers acting in a responsible manner when transacting business as well as the procedures for obtaining redress should a consumer be dissatisfied with a service that was paid for or a good that was purchased.
While the Consumer Affairs Division is committed to consumer protection, empowering our nation’s children to read, learn and grow is equally important. The Division is aware that a nation of readers will contribute to a nation of more discerning consumers.
It is against this background that at the end of each session every child is reminded that “he or she does not have to be great to start reading, but definitely has to start reading in order to become great or become the person of their dreams.
(Consumer Affairs Division — Department of Commerce, International Trade, Investment, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs)