Letters & Opinion

Lessons to be Learnt

Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

After watching our home-grown girl Julien Alfred at the finals, I was thrilled, overjoyed, contented and satisfied that size is not an impediment, but that instead, with the right support, everything can be possible for anyone with genuine ambition 

When talking about support, we must start with the parents, because they can suppress talent, and persuade their children to pursue goals and ambitions that are aligned with ‘class’ fighting.

At the recreational level, they do not see the glory beyond, as they have been brainwashed with only seeing academics as a pathway to their children’s future.

As for the state, infrastructure seems to only mean roads, bridges, public utilities and electronic connectivity and it seems the concept of rounded education still has not sunk in; and worst of all, most nationals give scant support to creative endeavours.

At present we are exalted by one of our own from humble beginnings and a background of struggling for survival, but it is from her will and God’s grace that she has and is the chosen one to alert the nation that education should be all-embracing.

We are all made different, with different mindsets, ambitions and independent goals and ambitions, but structures and opportunities, as well as support, must come from all quarters.

Art and sports are avenues that need to be reassessed, natured as a form of development and the thought of only seeing them as hobbies, has to be changed.

In the years when the West indies team was in their glory, it was ordinary men and simple people who propelled us to glory. Just like today, it is the humble and courageous and determined youngster who has put us on the map internationally.

Granted between the two sexes the woman seems more focused on achievement, while our men focus on street life and machoism.

All can contribute to the growth of this country, but in the absence of self-confidence and the will to succeed for self and country, we remain divided on purpose and conviction of caring about our reputation.

Julien’s achievement is supposed to remain as a beacon of hope, her name and memories have to be etched in our history books, as well as our minds.

We must give value to more than dollars-and-cents, as all should never be only about cash, but more about purpose.

Encouragement has to become total, from all circles, and those who put their best foot forward must be justly rewarded.

For the many who live aimlessly, they need to wake up and realise the, world will respect and recognize you only if you put in the work and realise that “bad-man no-pay” and being known or seen in a negative light, as a notorious criminal, is being on the wrong side of history.

Time to help exalt our nation not to destroy the image of our country.

I remember the famous quote about how “It is not what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country.”

Thank you, Ju-Ju, for this lesson in life.

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