On Wednesday, August 2024, the Special Operations Team of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) conducted an operation in the Dennery Valley area, which resulted in the discovery of illegal firearms and a quantity of ammunition of various calibres.
During the exercise, the officers unearthed the following illegal items:
• Two (2) Glock 25 pistols
• Fifteen (15) rounds of .380 ammunition
• One (1) round of 380 ammunition
• One (1) round of 45 ammunition
• One (1) round of .22 ammunition
No arrests have been made in relation to this discovery, however, an active investigation is underway.
The RSLPF remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring the safety and security of all citizens. This successful operation in the Dennery Valley is a testament to our dedication to combat crime and illegal firearm possession. The RSLPF will continue to employ innovative methods and work tirelessly to protect our communities.