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RSLPF Warns Against Obstructing Officers in Performing Their Duties


The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force has issued a warning to persons who attempt to obstruct its officers from carrying out their duties.

“It is unacceptable and unlawful, for anyone to, in any way, prohibit an officer from carrying out his or her functions,” the RSLPF said in a statement, released shortly after a police chase, in the wee hours of Sunday morning, ended with one of the occupants of the vehicle being chased fatally shot.

According to police, about 2:00a.m. officers attached to the Anse La Raye police station responded to information regarding a suspected Robbery in the village.

Officers pursued a motorcar, having confirmed the particulars of the suspects and their getaway vehicle. In an attempt to flee, the suspect car caused damages to the marked police vehicle, before coming to a stop in a drain along St. Lawrence Highway.

During the incident, one male was fatally wounded. He has been identified as Maxwell Leo alias Hennessy, of Marigot. The deceased is known to law enforcement and was at the time, on bail for a previous charge of Possession of Firearm.

One .40 calibre pistol and one spent .40 calibre shell was recovered by officers following the encounter. A total of five individuals are in police custody in relation to this matter.

According to the RSLPF statement it was noted that individuals physically attempted to prevent officers from processing the scene of the aforementioned incident.

“All identified perpetrators will be arrested and prosecuted,” the force promised.

The RSLPF statement further added that there have been reports of ensuing threats against police officers. The statement gave no further information on this particular matter, but this reporter, however, has learned that such threats may not be idle talk and may have to do with the shooting death of Hennessy.

Just before press time yesterday police release another statement confirming the threats made against them.

“Some of those brazen pronouncements made over multiple online platforms included threats of targeted attacks against specific members of the force.

The seriousness of these threats, the context and the perceived intent of those responsible, are factors considered in determining whether such matters are pursued summarily or indictably.

The Royal St. Lucia Police Force condemns these attacks and will do all that is legally possible to protect its members. Investigators will seek to identify and pursue without fail, all persons responsible,” the statement read in part. (Full Statement can be read at:

The RSLPF emphasised that “the fullest extent of the law will be utilised to ensure the protection of all officers tasked with keeping the peace.”

“We wish to strongly advise that once lawful directives to stop have been issued, they must be followed. Failure to do so not only endangers the lives of officers, but the general public. We wish to also caution against acts of criminality which lead to encounters with officers, tasked to maintain law and order,” the RLSPF said regarding last Sunday’s incident.

The Royal Saint Lucia Police Force said that it remains resolute in achieving its mandate of crime reduction and increased citizen security and admonishes anyone with information regarding the commission of a crime to contact the nearest police station, the Crime Hotline at 555, or utilise the Crime Hotline App available on Google Play.

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