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Demolition of Callaloo Building to Enhance Castries East Constituency

Callaloo Building
Callaloo Building

Government plans to demolish the old Callaloo Building situated at Marchand in its quest to transform the East Castries Constituency.

The Marchand community is widely known as a hub for staging bustling sports and entertainment activities, as well as some enterprising social programmes.

According to official sources, the derelict building at the entrance to Marchand will be removed to pave the way for a vibrant and welcoming gateway to Marchand.

Notably, this project marks the beginning of infrastructural works geared towards the beautification of Castries East.

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Permanent Secretary  in the Ministry of Physical Development Suzette Jean explained in March, the government acquired the derelict property to provide space for the development that is to ensue. The structure has been deemed a health hazard and poses risks to residents in the community.

Citing the importance of community safety and wellbeing, the demolition of the structure is intended to provide a safer environment and to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area.

Prime Minister and Member of Parliament (MP) for Castries East Philip J Pierre states that he is committed to ensuring that adequate provisions are made for the individual who resided in the Callaloo building to ensure that there is a ‘win-win’ scenario for both the community and the resident.

According to the P.S., “We are currently in discussions with him. We have identified a lot for him and we will assist him in putting up a structure … so we will ensure that he is out and comfortable before we demolish the building.”

Prime Minister Pierre stressed that the demolition of the building was part of a broader effort to beautify the community.

Additionally, there are repairs and upgrades being undertaken at the Mindoo Phillip Park  and the commencement of works at the Marchand grounds. This development is viewed as the government’s commitment to enhancing public spaces.

Also, there are plans for a new ‘pan yard’ at the MPP, and renovations to the James Belgrave Court located on the Marchand grounds compound is expected to further contribute to the area’s overall revitalization.

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